Act, 22 December 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Porteous and Ainslie

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Thomas Porteows Late proveist and Robert Ainslie Late baillie in Jedburgh Shewing That wher dearth and Scarcetie of victwall increasieing so much as this being done over and particularlie in the shyre of Tiviotdaill soe that the boll of meall is alreadie at twentie four pund that boll and bear wheat and ry at fourtein or fiftein pund that boll And it being evident through the badnes of the two Last cropts occasioned through great froasts excessive raines and stormes of snow so that in many places the cornes are neither cutt downe nor Led in nor is the Samen ripened nor fitt for any wse albeit it were cutt Downe and Led in that inevitable Scarecitie will enswe in that countrie many poor people and honest house holders being alreadie reduced to pinching straites and wants All which is too well knowen and felt by the whole Countrie and which may also consist with ther Lordships knowledge And therfore humblie craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby grant warrant to the petitioners to import over Land such qwantities of victwall into this Kingdome from England as they Shall think fitt and discharges any cwstome or dwetie whatsomever to be exacted therfor And declaires that if any of the said victwall to be imported by them Shall be imported by Sea the same shall be seased upon and confiscat for the wse of the poor wnles it can be made appeare that the victwall imported by sea was bought and payed for by the prodwct of this kingdome And not by transporting and conveying money out of the Kingdome for the Same

Att Edinburgh the twentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Porteous and Ainslie

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Thomas Porteows Late proveist and Robert Ainslie Late baillie in Jedburgh Shewing That wher dearth and Scarcetie of victwall increasieing so much as this being done over and particularlie in the shyre of Tiviotdaill soe that the boll of meall is alreadie at twentie four pund that boll and bear wheat and ry at fourtein or fiftein pund that boll And it being evident through the badnes of the two Last cropts occasioned through great froasts excessive raines and stormes of snow so that in many places the cornes are neither cutt downe nor Led in nor is the Samen ripened nor fitt for any wse albeit it were cutt Downe and Led in that inevitable Scarecitie will enswe in that countrie many poor people and honest house holders being alreadie reduced to pinching straites and wants All which is too well knowen and felt by the whole Countrie and which may also consist with ther Lordships knowledge And therfore humblie craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby grant warrant to the petitioners to import over Land such qwantities of victwall into this Kingdome from England as they Shall think fitt and discharges any cwstome or dwetie whatsomever to be exacted therfor And declaires that if any of the said victwall to be imported by them Shall be imported by Sea the same shall be seased upon and confiscat for the wse of the poor wnles it can be made appeare that the victwall imported by sea was bought and payed for by the prodwct of this kingdome And not by transporting and conveying money out of the Kingdome for the Same

1. NRS, PC2/26, 315r-315v.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 315r-315v.