Warrant, 1 December 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the first day of December Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Warrand for George Mosman for printing a book called a cordiall for christeans

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby allow and grant Libertie to George Mossman bookseller in Edinburgh to print and vend a book intituled a cordiall for christeans travelling heavenward being the substance of some sermons upon the eight Chapter of Pauls epistle to the romans preached in the citie of Edinburgh by a minister of the gospell ther And discharges any other persones to print reprint vend or import the said book for the Space of threttein yeirs efter the day and date heirof without Licence first had and obtained from the said George Mossman for that effect under the paine of confiscatione of the saids books so printed reprinted imported or vended to the wse of the said George Mossman besydes what furder pwnishment the Lords of privie councell shall please to inflict on the contraveeners

Att Edinburgh the first day of December Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Warrand for George Mosman for printing a book called a cordiall for christeans

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby allow and grant Libertie to George Mossman bookseller in Edinburgh to print and vend a book intituled a cordiall for christeans travelling heavenward being the substance of some sermons upon the eight Chapter of Pauls epistle to the romans preached in the citie of Edinburgh by a minister of the gospell ther And discharges any other persones to print reprint vend or import the said book for the Space of threttein yeirs efter the day and date heirof without Licence first had and obtained from the said George Mossman for that effect under the paine of confiscatione of the saids books so printed reprinted imported or vended to the wse of the said George Mossman besydes what furder pwnishment the Lords of privie councell shall please to inflict on the contraveeners

1. NRS, PC2/26, 313r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 313r.