Act, 7 July 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventh of Jullie Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act Jennet Carmichael

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Jennet Carmichael relict of the deceast Mr Archibald Dowglass minister at Salltowne Shewing That wher the petitioner as haveing right from her deceast husband to the Stipend of the paroch of Saltowne for the terme of Whittsonday and preceedings resting wnpayed Dureing which tyme her deceast husband was minister of the said paroch hath made applicatione to the heretors and others for payment of ther Severall proportiones to the petitioner and hath obtained a consent from the Laird of Saltowne patron of the church for any interest he could pretend As the Samen therwith produced will testifie And the heretors and others lyable in payment being nowayes averse to pay to the petitioner ther respective proportiones if ther Lordships awthoritie were interposed and Letters of horning direct be vertue therof at the petitioners instance against them conforme to the Decreit of Localitie of the said Stipend which ther Lordships have allwayes bein in wse to grant And therfore humbly craveing ther Lordships would in consideratione of the premisses Interpose ther awthoritie And the petitioners right to the foirsaid Stipend And ordaine Letters of horning to be direct at the petitioners instance Conforme to the decreit of Localitie against the heretors possessors tenents and tacksmen of The Land lyable in payment of the said Stipend for payment to the petitioner of the Stipend of the said paroch for the terme of whittsonday Last bypast And what is furder resting owing therof for any termes preceeding As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above petitione with the consent of the patron mentioned therin And prodwced therwith They heirby interpose ther awthoritie to the patrons consent abovementioned And have allowed And heirby allowes to the petitioner the Stipend of the above kirk of Saltowne for the terme of whittsonday last bypast Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs And for all bygone rests for any termes preceeding And Decernes and ordaines the heretors liferenters wodsetters titullars tacksemen of teinds tenents possessors and others lyable in payment of the said stipend to make payment to the petitioner of the said termes Stipend of the said church of Saltowne And of all bygones rests of any termes preceeding the said terme of whittsonday Last And ordaines Letters of Horning on fiftein dayes to be direct at the petitioners instance against the heretors wodsetters liferenters and others foirsaids upon productione of a decreit of Localitie and in caise ther be non ordaines the heretors and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the said Stipend to make payment of the said termes Stipend and rests foirsaids according as they shall be decerned and Determined be the Judge ordinary

Att Edinburgh the Seventh of Jullie Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act Jennet Carmichael

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Jennet Carmichael relict of the deceast Mr Archibald Dowglass minister at Salltowne Shewing That wher the petitioner as haveing right from her deceast husband to the Stipend of the paroch of Saltowne for the terme of Whittsonday and preceedings resting wnpayed Dureing which tyme her deceast husband was minister of the said paroch hath made applicatione to the heretors and others for payment of ther Severall proportiones to the petitioner and hath obtained a consent from the Laird of Saltowne patron of the church for any interest he could pretend As the Samen therwith produced will testifie And the heretors and others lyable in payment being nowayes averse to pay to the petitioner ther respective proportiones if ther Lordships awthoritie were interposed and Letters of horning direct be vertue therof at the petitioners instance against them conforme to the Decreit of Localitie of the said Stipend which ther Lordships have allwayes bein in wse to grant And therfore humbly craveing ther Lordships would in consideratione of the premisses Interpose ther awthoritie And the petitioners right to the foirsaid Stipend And ordaine Letters of horning to be direct at the petitioners instance Conforme to the decreit of Localitie against the heretors possessors tenents and tacksmen of The Land lyable in payment of the said Stipend for payment to the petitioner of the Stipend of the said paroch for the terme of whittsonday Last bypast And what is furder resting owing therof for any termes preceeding As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above petitione with the consent of the patron mentioned therin And prodwced therwith They heirby interpose ther awthoritie to the patrons consent abovementioned And have allowed And heirby allowes to the petitioner the Stipend of the above kirk of Saltowne for the terme of whittsonday last bypast Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs And for all bygone rests for any termes preceeding And Decernes and ordaines the heretors liferenters wodsetters titullars tacksemen of teinds tenents possessors and others lyable in payment of the said stipend to make payment to the petitioner of the said termes Stipend of the said church of Saltowne And of all bygones rests of any termes preceeding the said terme of whittsonday Last And ordaines Letters of Horning on fiftein dayes to be direct at the petitioners instance against the heretors wodsetters liferenters and others foirsaids upon productione of a decreit of Localitie and in caise ther be non ordaines the heretors and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the said Stipend to make payment of the said termes Stipend and rests foirsaids according as they shall be decerned and Determined be the Judge ordinary

1. NRS, PC2/26, 226r-227r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 226r-227r.