Order, 10 April 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie six years post meridiem



Recommendation Hendry Navill Payne

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councell by Hendry Payne Sheuing That the petitioner hath for neer the Space of six years been detained prisoner in this Kingdome under many severe Circumstances well knouen to many of their Lordships which hath occasioned the Consumption of all he Can (during his Imprisonment) anyways raise for his Support And hath Lykeuayes forced him to run considerable soumes in debt Both to the Governour of this place and others for subsistance without whose help The petitioner must have starved That since their Lordships charitable removall of the petitioner From Dumbarton to this place about Eight months since He hath made dilligent application to the Secretaries and other great men at Court To obtaine his Liberty aither by exchange Banishment or any other way might seem Good To the King But hitherto without the Least effect That the petitioner is therby Reduced to the outmost want and despair Except their Lordships in tender Consideration of naturall justice and the honor of his Majestie take the premisses into their Christian thoughts It being Impossible Longer for the petitioner to subsist upon anything remaines of his oune except he were at Liberty In Consideration wherof The petitioner Humblie prayes That their Lordships would grant him some supply May discharge these debts he hes been forced to Contract in this Kingdome And some support for his dayly mantinence whilst his Majestie shall detaine him heir And that their Lordships would represent to him of what Litle Consequence it can be to his service To keep a poor useles old man in such a tedious Imprisonment as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered the said petitione They heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaury to allow to the petitioner such ane aliment as they shall find Competent from the day and date heirof

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie six years post meridiem



Recommendation Hendry Navill Payne

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councell by Hendry Payne Sheuing That the petitioner hath for neer the Space of six years been detained prisoner in this Kingdome under many severe Circumstances well knouen to many of their Lordships which hath occasioned the Consumption of all he Can (during his Imprisonment) anyways raise for his Support And hath Lykeuayes forced him to run considerable soumes in debt Both to the Governour of this place and others for subsistance without whose help The petitioner must have starved That since their Lordships charitable removall of the petitioner From Dumbarton to this place about Eight months since He hath made dilligent application to the Secretaries and other great men at Court To obtaine his Liberty aither by exchange Banishment or any other way might seem Good To the King But hitherto without the Least effect That the petitioner is therby Reduced to the outmost want and despair Except their Lordships in tender Consideration of naturall justice and the honor of his Majestie take the premisses into their Christian thoughts It being Impossible Longer for the petitioner to subsist upon anything remaines of his oune except he were at Liberty In Consideration wherof The petitioner Humblie prayes That their Lordships would grant him some supply May discharge these debts he hes been forced to Contract in this Kingdome And some support for his dayly mantinence whilst his Majestie shall detaine him heir And that their Lordships would represent to him of what Litle Consequence it can be to his service To keep a poor useles old man in such a tedious Imprisonment as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered the said petitione They heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaury to allow to the petitioner such ane aliment as they shall find Competent from the day and date heirof

1. NRS, PC1/50, 474-5.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 474-5.