Att Edinburgh The Threttie first day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years
Proclamation anent Old Fourteens and their halfes, Cobbs and 40 penny peices
William By the Grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Counsell messengers at arms our shireffs in that part Conjunctly and Severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuch as by the Act past in the Last session of our Current parliament anent the old fourteen shilling peices weighing tuo dropps and tuenty seven Grains And their halfes weighing proportionallie shall be receaved in all payments at their present Current rates And that the other old Fourteens and their halfes under the said weight shall pass in all payments at the rate of Three pounds Four shilling the unce Being a Grott for the drop Therfore and in pursuance of the said Act of parliament and for removing any difficultie that may arise about the weight we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Counsell have declared And hereby declare and ordain that the weight at which the said old Fourteens and there halfs are to pass Is the Lanerk troy weight That is the weight of the stone and its fractions Committed to the Custody of the burgh of Lanerk and Knouen to be the standard of the weight within this Kingdome according as the saids weights are or shall be marked by the Deans of gild of the royall burroues in the usuall manner And further for the better facilitating the Currency of money we with advyce forsaid declare and appoint all the peices of money Commonly called Cobbs and their fractions of whatever kynd they be to pass uithout distruction by weight That is such of them as weigh Fourteen drop or above at the rate of Fiftie six shilling and such as weigh Less at the rate of four Shilling Scotts per drop of the forsaid weight of Lanerk And Lastly we with advyce forsaid ordaine all Scotts Fourtie penny peices to pass and be Current in all payments at three shilling and six pennies per piece Certifying such as shall refuse the saids old fourteens and their halfs or the saids Cobbs and their fractions or the saids Scotts Fourtie penny peices at the rate above appointed they shall be Lyable in the double of what shall be refused to be summarly executed at the instance and for the use of the officers by all Judges ordinary without delay Our Will is Herefore and we Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries within this Kingdome And ther in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation hereof that none pretend ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the threttie one day of december and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 81-2.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 81-2.