Act, 23 January 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh thursday The tuenty third day of Januarie Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Liberatione Sir Patrick Maxuell

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill In obedience to his majesties Letter direct to them of the date the fyfteenth day of Januarie Jaj vjc nynty and sex years Doe Hereby give ordor and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh Baillies of the Cannongate and keeper of ther Tolbooth To Set Sir Patrick Maxuell of Sprinkell at Liberty furth therof In respect He hes given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall Live peaceablie under the Government of his majestie King William and that he shall appear before the said Lords of privie Councill when called for under the penalty of sex thousand merks scots money in case he shall transgress. in any part of the premisses

At Edinburgh thursday The tuenty third day of Januarie Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Liberatione Sir Patrick Maxuell

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill In obedience to his majesties Letter direct to them of the date the fyfteenth day of Januarie Jaj vjc nynty and sex years Doe Hereby give ordor and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh Baillies of the Cannongate and keeper of ther Tolbooth To Set Sir Patrick Maxuell of Sprinkell at Liberty furth therof In respect He hes given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall Live peaceablie under the Government of his majestie King William and that he shall appear before the said Lords of privie Councill when called for under the penalty of sex thousand merks scots money in case he shall transgress. in any part of the premisses

1. NRS, PC1/50, 323.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 323.