At Edinburgh munday the second day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Approbatione of Lord Justice Clerks searching the Packet
The Lord Justice Clerk acquainted the Councill That He hes searched all the Letters that came with the Last packet and that He hes found nothing of import in any of them and therfore Hes retourned them to the post office except one letter direct to a Ladie but not subscryved which is of foolish bantering stuff upon the present Conspiracy and Invasione designed from France The Councill approves of what the Lord Justice Clerk hes done in the matter foresaid And recomends to his Lordship to enquyre at and examine the said Ladie by whom the Letter is wrote or from whome it com’s and what she know’s anent the said Letter
1. NRS, PC1/50, 352.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 352.