Att Edinburgh The seventh day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years post meridiem
Procedure: remission
Recommendation to the Thesaury in favours of Captain Slezer anent Carts and Cannons
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By Captain Slezer Sheuing That In regaird of the great Difficultie ther was to find out Country Cairts for transporting the ammunition to Lanton Park this last summer In so farr that the Traine was forced to stay four or five dayes at Edinburgh for want of necessary Carriages And in Regaird that the most part of the Cannon Carriages for the field peices are Intirely delayed Sir Thomas Livingstoun therfore before he went to Court gave orders to Captain Slezer to mount six field peices upon new Carriages and to repaire and augment the Number of ammunition Cairts The Charges wherof will at Least Come to ane hundred pounds sterling And therfore humblie Craving their Lordships To Cause the said Somme to be furthwith payed to the petitioner That no tyme may be Lost to Bring the Traine in some better repare And that as soon as possible Captain Slezer is Comptable for fiftie pounds Sterling which he receaved upon accompt of this Last Encampment near Langtoun Park as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councill having Considered this petitione given in to them By the said Captaine Slezer They haeirby Recommend the petitioner to the Lords of his Majesties Thesaury In the terms of the above petition.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 45-6.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 45-6.