Decreet, 24 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie fourth day of March Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Decreit Lady Rollo Against Lord Rollo

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mistress Margaret Balfoure Lady Rollo Shewing That wher The petitioner raised a lybell and Summonds befor the Saids Lords Against The Lord Rollo her husband for the modificatione of ane aliment to the petitioner and her Six childrein in respect of his willfull desertione and also of his Severities and ill treatments of the petitioner wherby the petitioner and her Saids childrein are redwced to the wtmost extremities To which lybell and Sumonds tho Laufullie cited he makes no compearance to ansuer But raither Suffers himself to be denunced knowing that this will bring the petitioner no present releiffe And Seing that his absenting and Suffering certificatione to pass against him 2 is a furder and evident confirmatione of his foirsaid desertione And that the Thowsand punds allowed by the saids Lords of privie Counsell is alreadie farr exhawsted and cannot prove a Sufficient Subsistance And therfor humbly craveing the Saids Lords to consider the petitioners said lybell notwithstanding of his willfull absence And in respect that it is instantly verified by his foirsaid not compearance to modifie to the petitioner the aliment lybelled of Four Thowsand 3 yeirlie Viz from Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie five to Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie Six deduceing the Thousand punds alreadie ordered And So furth therefter And that the Same be Likewayes Decerned against Henry Rollo of Woodsyde dureing his brookeing of the liferent Lybelled As the Said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell with the contract of mariadge past betuixt her and the Lord Rollo her husband They heirby modifie the Soume of Four Thousand merks for the yeirly aliment of the said Lady and her childreine frae the terme of Mertimes Last Jaj vic and nyntie five yeirs And Decerns and ordaines the said Andrew Lord Rollo and Henry Rollo of Woodsyde in caice he hes accepted of the dispositione or factorie made by Mr Lord Rollo to him of my Lords estate Dureing his possession of the said estate And in caice he hes not accepted of the foirsaid Dispositione or factorie decerns and ordaines the tenents and possessors of the said Lords estate to make payment and Satisfactione to the said Lady of the Said Soume of Four Thousand merks yeirly for her own and her childreins aliment Beginand the first termes payment of the said aliment at the terme of whittsonday next to come And the terme of Lambes therefter be equall portions and that for the cropt Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs And so furth yeirlie therefter Deduceing allwayes The Soume of Ane Thowsand punds Scotts formerly alloued to the said Lady out of the first end of the said first yeirs aliment And ordaines Letters of Horning on fiftein dayes wnder the Signet of Counsell and others needfull to be direct heirupon the tennents names and rents being all wayes insert in the horneing to be raised hereon.

Att Edinburgh the twentie fourth day of March Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Decreit Lady Rollo Against Lord Rollo

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mistress Margaret Balfoure Lady Rollo Shewing That wher The petitioner raised a lybell and Summonds befor the Saids Lords Against The Lord Rollo her husband for the modificatione of ane aliment to the petitioner and her Six childrein in respect of his willfull desertione and also of his Severities and ill treatments of the petitioner wherby the petitioner and her Saids childrein are redwced to the wtmost extremities To which lybell and Sumonds tho Laufullie cited he makes no compearance to ansuer But raither Suffers himself to be denunced knowing that this will bring the petitioner no present releiffe And Seing that his absenting and Suffering certificatione to pass against him 2 is a furder and evident confirmatione of his foirsaid desertione And that the Thowsand punds allowed by the saids Lords of privie Counsell is alreadie farr exhawsted and cannot prove a Sufficient Subsistance And therfor humbly craveing the Saids Lords to consider the petitioners said lybell notwithstanding of his willfull absence And in respect that it is instantly verified by his foirsaid not compearance to modifie to the petitioner the aliment lybelled of Four Thowsand 3 yeirlie Viz from Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie five to Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie Six deduceing the Thousand punds alreadie ordered And So furth therefter And that the Same be Likewayes Decerned against Henry Rollo of Woodsyde dureing his brookeing of the liferent Lybelled As the Said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell with the contract of mariadge past betuixt her and the Lord Rollo her husband They heirby modifie the Soume of Four Thousand merks for the yeirly aliment of the said Lady and her childreine frae the terme of Mertimes Last Jaj vic and nyntie five yeirs And Decerns and ordaines the said Andrew Lord Rollo and Henry Rollo of Woodsyde in caice he hes accepted of the dispositione or factorie made by Mr Lord Rollo to him of my Lords estate Dureing his possession of the said estate And in caice he hes not accepted of the foirsaid Dispositione or factorie decerns and ordaines the tenents and possessors of the said Lords estate to make payment and Satisfactione to the said Lady of the Said Soume of Four Thousand merks yeirly for her own and her childreins aliment Beginand the first termes payment of the said aliment at the terme of whittsonday next to come And the terme of Lambes therefter be equall portions and that for the cropt Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs And so furth yeirlie therefter Deduceing allwayes The Soume of Ane Thowsand punds Scotts formerly alloued to the said Lady out of the first end of the said first yeirs aliment And ordaines Letters of Horning on fiftein dayes wnder the Signet of Counsell and others needfull to be direct heirupon the tennents names and rents being all wayes insert in the horneing to be raised hereon.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 147v-148v.

2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

3. The words ‘merks’ and ‘punds’ scored out here, and then ‘merks’ re-written over the text.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 147v-148v.

2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

3. The words ‘merks’ and ‘punds’ scored out here, and then ‘merks’ re-written over the text.