Att Edinburgh the fourth day of September Jaj vic and nyntie Six yeirs
Act and Remitt The Earle of Southerland
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Be George Earle of Southerland Shewing That wher by ther Lordships act of the date the eight of Augwst Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs The Two Thowsand punds appointed by ther Lordships to be payed to the petitioners doughter the deceast Viscount of Arbuthnet for alimenting her childrein the said yeir Jaj vic nyntie five was ordained to be payed to the petitioner as her executor and keeper of the childrein in maner mentioned in the said act herwith prodwced As Likewayes ther Lordships act of the fourth of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six, ther was eight Hundereth merks modified to be payed to the petitioner for the present Viscounts bed and board allenarly As the said wther act also prodwced bears. Notwithstanding wherof Alexander Arbwthnot tutor refwsed to pay five Hundereth merks yet resting of the Thrie thousand merks As alsoe he refwses to make payment or grant any allowance for the present Viscounts cloaths School fies and servants waiges And of other accompts and necessars furnished to him besydes his bed and board which for tyme past will amount to the Soume of Four Hundereth pwnd Besydes the said Five hundered Merks And owght aither to be modified or otherwayes setled for the tyme to come That the petitioner may not be pwtt to any actione for everie Litle necessarie advance that Shall be made for the Viscount As Likewayes the said twtor ought to deliver to the petitioner the said Viscownt his chamber fwrniture bed table etc which he wrongowsely keeps up And therfor humblie craveing ther Lordships in prosecution of what they have alreadie Done to ordaine the said tutor to pay to the petitioner the said five hundereth merks resting as said is As also the foirsaids other Soumes advanced of necessars for The Viscount As Likewayes to delyver up to the petitioner the foirsaid chamber furniture And withall aither to modifie or sett Downe Some other rwle wherby the said Viscount his other necessaries besyde without furder process As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell And ansuers therto be way of petitione for the tutor of Arbuthnot they allow the Earle to insist for payment of the five Hundereth merks upon the former acts of Counsell And recomends to the Lords of Counsell And recomends to the Lords of Counsell and Sessione to determine in and discuss the haill remanent points contained in the said petitione and ansuers both as to bygone necessars and in tyme comeing And that Summarly without necessitie of abideing the ordinarie Course of the roll
1. NRS, PC2/26, 281v-282v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 281v-282v.