Act, 14 January 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fourtein Day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Lady Rollo

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Margaret Ballfour Lady Rollo for herself and six childrein Representing That wher by the Lawes of this and all other well governed nationes It is the Dwety of all husbands to mentaine and provide for ther wife and childrein Suteable to ther qwalitie and estate yet nevertheles albeit the petitioner Did being with her and considerable portione to her husband The said Lord Rollo his familie viz His estate being apprised for the Soume of Fourtie Thousand merks And to which the petitioners father had right The petitioners father did dispone the Same to him And be vertue wherof he brwkes and enjoyes his fortwne And altho it be well knowen that the petitioner hes wsed her wtmost endeavoures to Live Dwetiefullie and as became ane Loveing wife with him and for peace sake hes Suffered many injuries yet atlast he hes intirely alienat his affectione from the petitioner and hes associat himself with Isobell Kininmouth a comone whore And in the moneth of october Last he did desert his familie and hes ever since cohabite with her he haveing off befor begott two severall childrein upon her in adulterie And as the petitioner is informed he hes disponed the Liferent to Henry Rollo of Woodsyde wher the petitioner and her Six childrein are intirely destitut of aliment and provisione And is necessitat both for herself and them to make applicatione To the saids Lords of his majesties privie Councell that ane Suteable aliment or neu provisione by the saids Lords awthoritie may be appointed And the petitioner humbly conceaves that the Leist that can be modified for alimenting of her self and them will be four Thowsand merks the estate being eight thousand merks of frie rent and most of the petitioners childrein haveing attained unto the age of men and woemen And the petitioners own Jointure by her contract of mariadge being fiftein chalder victuall And Ane Thowsand pwnd of money with the house of Duncomb And therfor humbly craveing that the Saids Lords of privie counsell would take the premisses to ther consideratione and in respect of the hard circumstances the petitioner is in at present to modifie the foirsaid Soume of four thousand merks for alimenting of herself and childrein And to appoint the petitioner the house of Duncoub which is her Jointure house to Live in And also to allow her Ane Suteable proportione of the furniture And for that effect to grant warrand for citeing the said Lord Rollo upon Sixtie dayes the petitioner being informed he is owt of the kingdome As also for citeing of the said Henry Rollo his trwstie And in the mean tyme to appoint the said Henry Rollo and the tenents to pay the petitioner Ane Thowsand merks for her Subsistance her said husband haveing ordered the tenents to pay the petitioner nothing As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell and ansuers made therto be […] Rollo of Woodsyde They Have modified and heirby modifies the Soume of Ane Thousand punds Scotts to be payed to the said Lady Rollo for intertaining her and her familie since her husbands depairture furth of this kingdome untill the dayes of his citatione expyre And decernes and ordaines the tenents and possessors of The Lord Rollo of his Lands and estate to make payment to the Lady of the said soume And ordaines Letters of Horning on fiftein dayes to be direct heiron against the tennents to be named in the Letters for payment of the soumes according to ther respective rents and possessiones to be condescended upon in the saids Letters And others upon the premisses in forme as effeirs.

Att Edinburgh the fourtein Day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Lady Rollo

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Margaret Ballfour Lady Rollo for herself and six childrein Representing That wher by the Lawes of this and all other well governed nationes It is the Dwety of all husbands to mentaine and provide for ther wife and childrein Suteable to ther qwalitie and estate yet nevertheles albeit the petitioner Did being with her and considerable portione to her husband The said Lord Rollo his familie viz His estate being apprised for the Soume of Fourtie Thousand merks And to which the petitioners father had right The petitioners father did dispone the Same to him And be vertue wherof he brwkes and enjoyes his fortwne And altho it be well knowen that the petitioner hes wsed her wtmost endeavoures to Live Dwetiefullie and as became ane Loveing wife with him and for peace sake hes Suffered many injuries yet atlast he hes intirely alienat his affectione from the petitioner and hes associat himself with Isobell Kininmouth a comone whore And in the moneth of october Last he did desert his familie and hes ever since cohabite with her he haveing off befor begott two severall childrein upon her in adulterie And as the petitioner is informed he hes disponed the Liferent to Henry Rollo of Woodsyde wher the petitioner and her Six childrein are intirely destitut of aliment and provisione And is necessitat both for herself and them to make applicatione To the saids Lords of his majesties privie Councell that ane Suteable aliment or neu provisione by the saids Lords awthoritie may be appointed And the petitioner humbly conceaves that the Leist that can be modified for alimenting of her self and them will be four Thowsand merks the estate being eight thousand merks of frie rent and most of the petitioners childrein haveing attained unto the age of men and woemen And the petitioners own Jointure by her contract of mariadge being fiftein chalder victuall And Ane Thowsand pwnd of money with the house of Duncomb And therfor humbly craveing that the Saids Lords of privie counsell would take the premisses to ther consideratione and in respect of the hard circumstances the petitioner is in at present to modifie the foirsaid Soume of four thousand merks for alimenting of herself and childrein And to appoint the petitioner the house of Duncoub which is her Jointure house to Live in And also to allow her Ane Suteable proportione of the furniture And for that effect to grant warrand for citeing the said Lord Rollo upon Sixtie dayes the petitioner being informed he is owt of the kingdome As also for citeing of the said Henry Rollo his trwstie And in the mean tyme to appoint the said Henry Rollo and the tenents to pay the petitioner Ane Thowsand merks for her Subsistance her said husband haveing ordered the tenents to pay the petitioner nothing As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell and ansuers made therto be […] Rollo of Woodsyde They Have modified and heirby modifies the Soume of Ane Thousand punds Scotts to be payed to the said Lady Rollo for intertaining her and her familie since her husbands depairture furth of this kingdome untill the dayes of his citatione expyre And decernes and ordaines the tenents and possessors of The Lord Rollo of his Lands and estate to make payment to the Lady of the said soume And ordaines Letters of Horning on fiftein dayes to be direct heiron against the tennents to be named in the Letters for payment of the soumes according to ther respective rents and possessiones to be condescended upon in the saids Letters And others upon the premisses in forme as effeirs.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 97v-99r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 97v-99r.