Att Edinburgh the Eight day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Liberation and Confynment Sir George Seatoune of Garletoune
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Councell by Sir George Seatoune of Garletoune Sheuing That wheras He having formerly in prisone and sett at Liberty upon bond and Cautione to appear when called and so soon as he uas charged he was ready Imediatly to make his appearance And he being now Imprisoned in the tolbooth of Musilburgh which is a Cold unwholsome place And by being detained in prisone He hath Contracted a great sicknes so that if he be not sett at Libertie that he may have the benefite of the open air It will absolutely Indanger his Life as appeared by a declaratione under the hand of Doctor Hepburne his ordinary phisitian, who Declared upon soull and Conscience That by reasone of his present indispositione of body He is In hazard of his Life unles he have the Libertie of walking in the open air which he hath been accustomed to And by Robert Douglas baillie of the said burgh his declaratione who Lykewayes Declared upon soull and Conscience That he being Called yesterday morning to see the petitioner after blood was drauen That he found the petitioner very Indisposed of his health and the blood drauen appearing the uorst ever he did see in his Life Being altogither uithout rednes and the trew colour of blood as appeared by the declaration produced with the said petitione And seing the petitioner is Content to Give bond and sufficient Cautione under what penaltie their Lordships shall think fitt to Live peacably and appear when called for And therfore Humbly Craving to the effect underwryten, as the said petitione Bears The Saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given in to them by Sir George Seatoune of Garletoune uith the testificats or Declarations mentioned therin and produced theruith They heirby Give order and warrand to the Baillies of Musleburgh and Keeper of their tolbooth to sett the petitioner at Libertie furth therof In respect He hath Given bond and Found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privie Councell That he shall Live peacably and uith all submission to the present government of his Majestie King William And that He shall not Act Consult nor Contryve anything In prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond uith any rebells And that he shall remaine Confyned at his house of Gairletoune and a Mylle about the same And that he shall not goe without the bounds of his said Confynment And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councell when Called for under the penalty of one Thousand pounds sterling In caise He shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses
1. NRS, PC1/50, 462-3.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 462-3.