Order, 24 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday the tuentie fourth day of March one thousand sex Hundred nynty and sex years



Recomendatione to the Provost of Edinburgh anent not qualified Clergie preaching in Edinburgh.

Sir Robert Cheislie Lord Provost of Edinburgh haveing reported to the Lords of his majesties privie Councill That he hes informed himself anent the depryved Clergie who preach in Edinburgh in meeting houses and that he finds these ministers are not qualified according to Law and that they doe not pray expresslie for his majestie King William by name The said Lords of privie Councill doe hereby recomend to the said Lord Provost of Edinburgh to seize and secure these ministers in prisone untill they appear before the said Lords of privie Councill and such of them as He shall not find out They recomend to his Lordships to give in a List of their names to the Clerks of Councill, and appoynts the Clerks to give out Letters for ceitting the ministers which shall be in the List to appear before the privie Councill with all expeditione And appoynts the Sollicitor and his servants to cause execute the said Letters immediatlie.

At Edinburgh tuesday the tuentie fourth day of March one thousand sex Hundred nynty and sex years



Recomendatione to the Provost of Edinburgh anent not qualified Clergie preaching in Edinburgh.

Sir Robert Cheislie Lord Provost of Edinburgh haveing reported to the Lords of his majesties privie Councill That he hes informed himself anent the depryved Clergie who preach in Edinburgh in meeting houses and that he finds these ministers are not qualified according to Law and that they doe not pray expresslie for his majestie King William by name The said Lords of privie Councill doe hereby recomend to the said Lord Provost of Edinburgh to seize and secure these ministers in prisone untill they appear before the said Lords of privie Councill and such of them as He shall not find out They recomend to his Lordships to give in a List of their names to the Clerks of Councill, and appoynts the Clerks to give out Letters for ceitting the ministers which shall be in the List to appear before the privie Councill with all expeditione And appoynts the Sollicitor and his servants to cause execute the said Letters immediatlie.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 429.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 429.