Proclamation, 10 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh Tuesday the tenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Proclamatione for a solemn day of humiliatione

The proclamatione underwryten being read approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A Proclamatione for a solemne day of Humiliatione William by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To etc macers of our privie Councill messengers at armes our Shirriffs in that part conjunctlly and severally specially constitut greeting Forasmuchas we and our people have just reasone to apprehend the severest2 judgements of almighty God whose clemencie and goodness we have abused to his dishonour, which consideratione hath also moved the Commissione of the Late generall assemblie to adress the Lords of our privie Councill That a day of humiliatione may be appoynted and keep’t for these Causes Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Command and appoynt a day of Solemne humiliation and prayer to be observed throughout the whole Kingdome upon the days following viz within the Toune of Edinburgh Leith Cannongate and the paroch of West Kirk upon the Lords day next the fyfteen day of march currant and in all the rest of the paroch Churches upon this syde of Tay upon the Lords day the tuenty second day of the said moneth of march, and in all the other paroch Churches within this Kingdome upon the Lords day being the tuentie nynth of the said moneth of march, upon which dayes of solemn humiliatione and prayer respective foresaid we and are people are to express our deep sense of our ingratitude for our former delyverances and our gratefull acknowledgements of the Signall providence of God in discovering and defeating the treacherous atempts on our royall persone, and to deprecat the wrath of God and implore his assistance against all forraigne invasione and intestine Commotions which days respective foresaid we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill requyre and Command to be religiouslie and seriouslie observed by all ranks and degrees of people, by preaching and other acts of devotion to be done and performed in all the Churches of this Kingdome upon the occasione and for the Causes foresaid our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent marcat crosses of the haill head burghs and severall shyres and stueartrie within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make intimatione hereof That none pretend ignorance And appoynts our Sollicitor to transmitt printed coppies hereof to the Shirriff and Stueart Clerks of the haill Shirriffdomes and Stueartries within this Kingdome with coppies to be transmitted by the said Shirriff and Stueart Clerks to the ministers of the severall paroches within their bounds And ordaines this proclamatione to be intimate in the paroch Churches of Edinburgh Cannongate Leith and West Kirk upon thursday next and ordain’s the magistrats of Edinburgh Cannongate Leith and West Port to make intimatione of the same within their respective bounds by beating of Drums in these places upon friday next, And ordaines the Shirriff and Stueart Clerks of all other places within this kingdome to Cause publish this proclamatione at the respective marcat Crosses within their bounds and the ministers to Cause read the same at their paroch Churches upon the Lords day immediatlie preceeding the dayes above appoynted And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the tenth day of March and our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancell Queensberry Argyle Southerland Lauderdale Leven Annandale Kintore Yester Raith Carmichaell Polwarth

At Edinburgh Tuesday the tenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Proclamatione for a solemn day of humiliatione

The proclamatione underwryten being read approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A Proclamatione for a solemne day of Humiliatione William by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To etc macers of our privie Councill messengers at armes our Shirriffs in that part conjunctlly and severally specially constitut greeting Forasmuchas we and our people have just reasone to apprehend the severest2 judgements of almighty God whose clemencie and goodness we have abused to his dishonour, which consideratione hath also moved the Commissione of the Late generall assemblie to adress the Lords of our privie Councill That a day of humiliatione may be appoynted and keep’t for these Causes Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Command and appoynt a day of Solemne humiliation and prayer to be observed throughout the whole Kingdome upon the days following viz within the Toune of Edinburgh Leith Cannongate and the paroch of West Kirk upon the Lords day next the fyfteen day of march currant and in all the rest of the paroch Churches upon this syde of Tay upon the Lords day the tuenty second day of the said moneth of march, and in all the other paroch Churches within this Kingdome upon the Lords day being the tuentie nynth of the said moneth of march, upon which dayes of solemn humiliatione and prayer respective foresaid we and are people are to express our deep sense of our ingratitude for our former delyverances and our gratefull acknowledgements of the Signall providence of God in discovering and defeating the treacherous atempts on our royall persone, and to deprecat the wrath of God and implore his assistance against all forraigne invasione and intestine Commotions which days respective foresaid we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill requyre and Command to be religiouslie and seriouslie observed by all ranks and degrees of people, by preaching and other acts of devotion to be done and performed in all the Churches of this Kingdome upon the occasione and for the Causes foresaid our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent marcat crosses of the haill head burghs and severall shyres and stueartrie within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make intimatione hereof That none pretend ignorance And appoynts our Sollicitor to transmitt printed coppies hereof to the Shirriff and Stueart Clerks of the haill Shirriffdomes and Stueartries within this Kingdome with coppies to be transmitted by the said Shirriff and Stueart Clerks to the ministers of the severall paroches within their bounds And ordaines this proclamatione to be intimate in the paroch Churches of Edinburgh Cannongate Leith and West Kirk upon thursday next and ordain’s the magistrats of Edinburgh Cannongate Leith and West Port to make intimatione of the same within their respective bounds by beating of Drums in these places upon friday next, And ordaines the Shirriff and Stueart Clerks of all other places within this kingdome to Cause publish this proclamatione at the respective marcat Crosses within their bounds and the ministers to Cause read the same at their paroch Churches upon the Lords day immediatlie preceeding the dayes above appoynted And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the tenth day of March and our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancell Queensberry Argyle Southerland Lauderdale Leven Annandale Kintore Yester Raith Carmichaell Polwarth

1. NRS, PC1/50, 390-2.

2. The final letter ‘e’ is an insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 390-2.

2. The final letter ‘e’ is an insertion.