Att Edinburgh the second Day of October Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs
Warrand for transporting Jennet Lesslie
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be George Lesslie of Burdsbank Mr John Lesslie of Midletowne William Sowtherland of Rosehaugh and John Lesslie of Ardcanie Shewing that wheras Jennet Lesslie daughter to […] Lesslie of Wntack haveing forged severall bonds And particularie a bond of Ane thowsand pund alleadged to have bein granted to her by Burdsbanks father And ane other bond of nyn hundereth merks alleadged granted by the said John Lessly of Ardcame and ane other bond of The Hundereth merks be the said Mr John Lesslie of Midletowne and ane bond of Ane Thousand pund by the said William Southerland And they haveing applyed to the Shereff of Elgine to apprehend the said Jennet Lesslie She was accordinglie taken and secured they inacting themselvs to persue improbatione of the saids bonds befor a Judge competent wnder the paine of Five hundereth merks And accordinglie they did enact themselvs as appears by the extract of the act therwith prodwced And She acknowledgeing in face of cowrt that the bond of Ane Thowsand pund alleadged granted by Rosehawgh is forged and that the Same is written and made up by Robert Murray Some tyme Emboe in Southerland albeit the bond bears to be written by George Troupe messenger in Elgine And that She assigned the same to Robert Gordoun brother to Emboe And as to Mr John Lesslies bond She declaires that She will nether own nor disowne the Samen but wishes it were burnt as appears by the extract of her conffessione under the Shirreff clerks hand And Seing that the saids persones hes enacted themselvs to perswe the said falsehood And that they are willing to proceed in it with all the dilligence that can be And that Such forgeries ought to be pwnished examplarlie And therfor humblie craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears His majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing heard and considered the above petitione They Doe heirby ordaine the petitioners as these who have inacted themselves to perswe the flasehoods mentioned in the petitione To cause transport the above Jennet Lesslie from the tollbwith of Elgine wher She presentlie lyes prisoner to the tollbwith of Edinburgh wnder a Sufficient gwaird upon ther own charges And ordaines the magistrats of Edinburgh and keepers of ther tollbwith to receave and detaine the said Jennet Lesslie prisoner untill furder order
1. NRS, PC2/26, 302r-303r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 302r-303r.