Act, 7 May 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Maj Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Act Mr Androw Burnet

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell By Mr Andrew Burnet Late Minister at Aberdeen Sheuing That wher by sentence of the Current Parliament in the Last session upon the first of Jully Jaj vjc nynty five The petitioner was depryved of his benefice and Discharged the exercise of his ministeriall functione uithin this kingdome and Imprisoned untill he Enacted himself not to Goe to the other syde of Forth after the first of August Last bypast To which sentence the petitioner hath given full obedience and hath Lived with his family at Edinburgh these nyne months bygone as became a Deutifull subject without giving any Ground of offence aither to Church or state But his suddaine removall from the north obleidging him to Leave all his affairs ther in confusion and any mean of subsistance he hath for his family being scarce sufficient to mantaine them att Edinburgh the one halfe of the year he is redacted to Great straits and difficulties And therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships uould Consider the premisses And seing the petitioner hath ouned his Majesties Government even since his accession to the throne And never designed to have given the Least offence to any Concerned therin And is willing to Enact himself under the highest paines not to Give the Least disturbance to Church or state But to Live in his privat statione as Becomes That therfore their Lordships would allow him to Live with his family in the north or to goe thither as his necessary occasions requyre For Looking after the small means of subsistance for his family as the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given in to them by the said Mr Androw Burnet They heirby Recommend to Sir James Steuart his Majesties Advocat to Consider the sentence or Act of parliament pronunced against the petitioner with pouer to his Lordship to allow the petitioner to Goe north for some tyme to doe his affairs In caise he shall find the same to be Consistent with the said sentence of parliament

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Maj Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Act Mr Androw Burnet

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell By Mr Andrew Burnet Late Minister at Aberdeen Sheuing That wher by sentence of the Current Parliament in the Last session upon the first of Jully Jaj vjc nynty five The petitioner was depryved of his benefice and Discharged the exercise of his ministeriall functione uithin this kingdome and Imprisoned untill he Enacted himself not to Goe to the other syde of Forth after the first of August Last bypast To which sentence the petitioner hath given full obedience and hath Lived with his family at Edinburgh these nyne months bygone as became a Deutifull subject without giving any Ground of offence aither to Church or state But his suddaine removall from the north obleidging him to Leave all his affairs ther in confusion and any mean of subsistance he hath for his family being scarce sufficient to mantaine them att Edinburgh the one halfe of the year he is redacted to Great straits and difficulties And therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships uould Consider the premisses And seing the petitioner hath ouned his Majesties Government even since his accession to the throne And never designed to have given the Least offence to any Concerned therin And is willing to Enact himself under the highest paines not to Give the Least disturbance to Church or state But to Live in his privat statione as Becomes That therfore their Lordships would allow him to Live with his family in the north or to goe thither as his necessary occasions requyre For Looking after the small means of subsistance for his family as the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given in to them by the said Mr Androw Burnet They heirby Recommend to Sir James Steuart his Majesties Advocat to Consider the sentence or Act of parliament pronunced against the petitioner with pouer to his Lordship to allow the petitioner to Goe north for some tyme to doe his affairs In caise he shall find the same to be Consistent with the said sentence of parliament

1. NRS, PC1/50, 521-2.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 521-2.