Act, 26 March 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

[26 March 1696] Eodem die postmeridiem



Act for delyvering Recruits to Flanders officers

Sir Thomas Livingstone Commander in Cheiff of his majesties Forces within this Kingdome Haveing represented That the three hundred and fiftie recruits which were driven back by Contrarie winds are by warrand of the Councill devyded among four of the standing Regiments out of which they were drawen and that some of them are dead and some of them have deserted, and that he hes a lyne from Sir James Oglivie one of the principall Secretaries of State signifieing it is his Majesties pleasure That these recruits be yet transported to Flanders The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe Hereby ordaine the officers of the Regiments to which the said Recruits were returned back To delyver these recruits man for man of what they received To the Flanders officers to whom they were formerlie delyvered or to any other persone Haveing their warrand to receive them for their use.

[26 March 1696] Eodem die postmeridiem



Act for delyvering Recruits to Flanders officers

Sir Thomas Livingstone Commander in Cheiff of his majesties Forces within this Kingdome Haveing represented That the three hundred and fiftie recruits which were driven back by Contrarie winds are by warrand of the Councill devyded among four of the standing Regiments out of which they were drawen and that some of them are dead and some of them have deserted, and that he hes a lyne from Sir James Oglivie one of the principall Secretaries of State signifieing it is his Majesties pleasure That these recruits be yet transported to Flanders The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe Hereby ordaine the officers of the Regiments to which the said Recruits were returned back To delyver these recruits man for man of what they received To the Flanders officers to whom they were formerlie delyvered or to any other persone Haveing their warrand to receive them for their use.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 435.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 435.