Att Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King to the Councell Anent the associatione militia and arms
The Follouing Letter from his Majestie to the privie Councell being read was ordered to be recorded wherof the tenor folloues
sic suprascribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and right well Beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and uell Beloved Cousins and councelors Right trustie and well beloved Councelors And trustie and uell Beloved Councelors we Greet yow uell we have receaved ane account from our Right Trustie and well Beloved Cousin and Councelor John Lord Murray our principall Secretary of State of the Condition of that our kingdome And ue uill take care to doe what is necessary on our pairt for the peace and safety therof We are uell satisfied uith the Association yow have entered into And we Doe think it necessary as we wrote to yow before That all others who associat Doe observe the same form. We have seen the proposalls which yow have made for modelling the Militia And we doe approve of the same and allow yow to dispose of the armes in our magazines in the termes yow propose untill they Can be otheruise provyded The present Circumstances of our affaires doe obleidge us to be further from yow for some tyme And Therfore we Recommend to yow to doe every thing that is necessary for preserving the peace of the Kingdome And particularly that yow forbear heats and animositys amongst yourselves That others may follow your good example And so we bid yow heartily farewell Given att our Court at Queaks the 4th day of May i696 and of our Reigne the Eight year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur James Ogilvie
1. NRS, PC1/50, 530.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 530.