Att Edinburgh the Fifteenth day of Aprile Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Liberation John Turring
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Councill by John Turring Sheuing That the petitioner being apprehended six weeks agoe by a party as he was Coming on his road from Preston-pans And therafter examined by Leivtennant Collonell Bruce was by him committed prisoner to the Cannongate tolbooth wher he hath Continoued ever since in Great misirie He therfore beggs their Lordships would be pleased to hear a short deduction of his Circumstances which in short That before the Revolution He served in a military station And therafter having gone to the Bass was by the articles of Capitulation Liberat And by vertue of the same Choosed to stay at home in the kingdome of Scotland wher he still Lived peacably and quietly under the Government and that he is so farr from troubling or molesting the government That he offered his service in his Majesties troops of Guairds And is still ready to serve in that station In respect that hitherto he hath still served in Cavilry And therfore humbly Craving their Lordships to take the premisses into their Consideratione And to Cause sett the petitioner at Libertie free of house dues or to Grant him ane aliment wherby he may be able to subsist during his Imprisonment as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petition given in to them by the above John Turring They heirby Give order and warrand to the Baillies of the Cannongate and Keeper of their tolbooth To sett the petitioner furth therof In respect he hath suorne and signed the oath of alleadgance and signed the assurance appointed to his Majestie King William by Act of parliament In presence of Baillie Dunnoon baillie of the Cannongate
1. NRS, PC1/50, 490-1.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 490-1.