Att Edinburgh the second Day of Jully Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs
Act Stewart and other wittnesses against Auchlossin
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be David Stewart John Mackbean and James Thomsone merchant in Invernes Shewing that Robert Ross of Auchlossin haveing raised a proces before ther Lordships with concourse of his majesties advocat against Alexander Lessly of Balchrome upon the twentie Eight day of Aprile Last bypast upon what accompt they know not yet they are charged as wittnesss to compeare at his instance befor ther Lordships at Edinburgh upon the twentie fifth day of this instant As the coppies therwith produced will testifie To which charge they gave obedience by appeareing here the said day Notwithstanding wherof the said Robert Ross did neither appeare himself nor report the foirsaids Letters to the clerks of Counsell By all which the petitioners who Live at Innvernes at Sixscore mylls distant and who had ther Summer mercats to attend Are at ane great Loss besydes ther expensses in comeing and goeing And they have Just grownd to alleadge the charges were Laid on them owt of malice and prejudice And therfor Humbly craveing ther Lordships not only to discharge them of this instance But also of all furder trouble from the said Robert Ross in the mater of the said Complaint And also to modifie Lairge expensses for ther comeing and goeing And for the dammadges they have Sustained by the Loss of her mercats occasioned by so malitiows a charge As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby Decerne and ordaine Alexander Ross of Awchlossin to make payment and Satisfactione to each of the saids thrie petitioners of the Soume of Sixtein Shilling Scotts money per diem frae the twentie fifth Day of Jwny Last bypast being the Day to which they were cited to have compeared to the day and date heirof And for the Space of Six dayes efter the Day and date heirof which the Saids Lords of privie Counsell allowed for the petitioner her travelling from Innvernes to this place and returneing back again2 twentie Dayes to each of the Saids thrie persones Extending the Soumes to be payed be Awchlossine to the Saids petitioners to the Soume of Sixtein pwnds Scotts money for each of the Saids petitioners And extending altogither to the Sowme of Fowrtie eight pwnds Scotts money foirsaid And ordains Letters of horning on fiftein dayes and other executorialls needfull wnder the Signet of privie Counsell to be direct hereon in forme as effeirs
1. NRS, PC2/26, 221r-222r.
2. The word ‘from’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 221r-222r.
2. The word ‘from’ scored out here.