Warrant, 8 December 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years ante meridiem



Warrand to Give up Wolmetts bond of Cautionry for Elderslie

William Biggar of Wolmet who is Cautioner for Mr Thomas Wallace of Elderslie In a bond to produce the said Mr Thomas to the Councill when called And for his peacable behaviour Craved That Since the said Mr Thomas Wallace is now in the Councills hands and by them Committed prisoner That therfore the Bond wherin he is Cautioner may be Given up Which desyre The Councill have granted And Gives warrand to their Clerks to delyver up to the said William Biggar of Wolmet the said bond.

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years ante meridiem



Warrand to Give up Wolmetts bond of Cautionry for Elderslie

William Biggar of Wolmet who is Cautioner for Mr Thomas Wallace of Elderslie In a bond to produce the said Mr Thomas to the Councill when called And for his peacable behaviour Craved That Since the said Mr Thomas Wallace is now in the Councills hands and by them Committed prisoner That therfore the Bond wherin he is Cautioner may be Given up Which desyre The Councill have granted And Gives warrand to their Clerks to delyver up to the said William Biggar of Wolmet the said bond.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 47.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 47.