Att Edinburgh the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Act approving the report Anent Highland Clanns
The Report of the Committie Anent the Chiftains of Highland Clanns wherof the tenor Folloues […] Edinburgh the Eight of July Jaj vjc nyntie six Sederunt Duke of Queensberry Earls of Southerland and Annandale Sir James Ogilvie Lord Secretary of State Lord Advocat and the Laird of Grant The Earle of Annandale being Elected preses. It is the opinion of the Committie That ther being feu at present Compearing of the Chiftains and others of the Highlands to Give bond for there Men tennents and servants as they were charged And it being also fitt that one Generall Course should be taken uith all uith them Therfore the matter should be delayed and these attending the Councill Dismissed untill the Councill Give Commission to such persons as they shall think fitt uithin the saids bounds to take bonds Conform to the acts of parliament from the saids Chiftains and others charged And that the forme of the bond be drauen up and appointed by the Lords of Councill and that the bonds which shall be given with the Lists be returned to the Clerk of the Councill sic subscribitur Annandale which report being this day read in presence of the saids Lords And they having Considered the same They heirby approve therof And Interpone their authority therto
1. NRS, PC1/50, 587-8.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 587-8.