Att Edinburgh the fourth day of September Jaj vic and nyntie Six yeirs
Act Erskine of Alva
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Be Sir John Ereskine of Alva Shewing That wher the petitioner was Duely and Lawfullie Served and in Speciall to the deceast Sir Charles Ereskine of Alva his father befor the macers in the moneth of Febrwary Last in the Lands of Cambuskenneth and others contained in his service Conforme to the Late act of parliament cum benificio in ventarii And upon his Service and retoure obtained ane precept furth of the Chancellarie direct to the Shirreff of Clackmannand and his deputies for infesting him in the Lands and others foirsaids which precept could take no effect in respect ther was no Shirreff in that Shyre nether would […] Rollo of Woddsyde who had ane Commissione to exerce that office accept of the Same Wherby the petitione is extreamly prejudged And will be Still more wnles ther Lordships provide remeid And therfore humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above petitione they heirby nominat appoint and awthorize Leivetennent Collonell John Ereskine deputy governour of the Castle of the Stirleing to be Shirreff of the Shirreffdome of Clackmanan in that part for this speciall effect to infeft the said Sir John Areskin of Alva the petitioner in the Lands and others abovementioned Contained in his precept and retoure
1. NRS, PC2/26, 283v-284r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 283v-284r.