Att Edinburgh The Tuenty third day of June Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Anent the new Sealls
The Sealls Since his majestie King William Came to the sole administration of the Government Being brought to the Councell Board by […] Murray of Dollarie Keeper of the Signet under the Lord Murray one of the principall Secretaries of State viz the Great seall the privie seall the quarter seall The signets of privie Councill Session and Criminall Court And the old ones used before his Majestie Came to the sole Government and when his royall Consort was alyve Being Called for by the Lords of his Majesties privie Counsell The same uere brock or defaced in presence of the Councell And the sealls and signet so defaced or brock were delyvered to the severall Keepers of the saids respective sealls and signets To be made use of and disposed upon by them as their oun at their pleasure and the new sealls and signets were delyvered to the saids Keepers or their servants to be made use of and Imployed in his majesties service and for the use of the Leidges In tyme coming
1. NRS, PC1/50, 567.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 567.