At Edinburgh munday the sexteenth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Letter: from the Council
Letters from the Clerks to the Collonells of the militia of the Shyres of Edinburgh Linlithgow Haddingtoune Berwick Selkirk Pebles Fyfe and Kinross
According to the said order Letters were wryten by the Councill Clerks of the tenor following The Lords of privie Councill Considering That the present exigences of his Majesties service does not requyre That the Heretors or militia should not be againe called or keept together at this tyme Have ordered me to acquaint you They think fitt you advertise the severall officers under your Command To give nottice to those lyable in the outreik of the militia to forbear sending their men to the place of rendivouze upon wedensday the eighteenth and that the foot militia appoynted to randivouze that day may stay at their respective Homes and in case their should be further need to conveen them you shall have tymeous advertisement. I am further ordered by the Lords of Councill To acquaint you they find it necessary That exact Lists of all the deficients and absents from the Last rendivouze should be made up by you and the officers under your Command and given in to the Commissioners of supply and militia within your Shyre at their first meeting That poynding may be used by their sentance for the deficient money conforme to the second act parliament Jaj vjc sexty and nyne years all which by Command foresaid is signified to you by Sir or my Lord your Lordships or your most humble servant Letters wryten of this coppie sent to the Earle of Mortoune for the western divisione of Fyfe and to the Earle of Lauderdale for the Shyre of Edinburgh Lord Belhewen for the Shyre of Haddingtoune Patrick Murray of Livingstoune for the Shyres of Linlithgow Peebles Selkirk and Sir John Home of Blackader for the Shyre of Berwick Directed thus for Patrick Murray of Livingstoune Collonell of the militia of etc and in his absence to the next commanding officer
1. NRS, PC1/50, 410-11.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 410-11.