Att Edinburgh the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Act for perfecting the revaluation of Fife
The Lords of his majesties privie Councill Having Considered the petition given in by the Commissioners revaluators of the shire of Fyfe uith the ansuears made therto by way of petition by such as Complained of the said revaluation with ane former Interloquitor past by the saids Lords in the said matter wherby his Majesties supply and all other publick burdens in use to be raised in that shire by the valuations appointed to be uplifted and Levied by the old valuation and that ay and while the said revaluation were Raised approven and perfected uithout any definite day for that effect And the saids Lords Considering how necessar it is the said matter be determined and the valuation Conform wherunto the supplie and other publict burdens should be uplifted Be fixed and certaine Therfore the saids Lords Doe appoint a publick and Generall meeting of all the Commissioners and qualified Heretors uithin that shire to be at Kirkcaldie upon teusday the fourteenth day Instant And ther to proceed by themselves or such Committies as they shall appoint with pouer to the said Committie to Choise their oune Clerk to rectifie the said revaluatione upon any Complaint of Lesion to be Given in by the particular persons against the same And that they Conclude and determine all the saids Complaints betuixt and the tuenty day of Agust nixt to Come and rectifie the said revaluation according to ther Decisions therin and perfect the same betuixt and the day forsaid And the saids Lords doe heirby declare and ordaine the said revaluation so rectified, perfected and Concluded to be the only Rule of uplifting his majesties supply payable at the terme of Lambas nixt And all other publict burdeens in use to be uplifted and Levied by the valuation in all tyme coming and noe wayes the former old valuation But prejudice aluayes to any pairt who shall pretend to be Lesed by the new Revaluation and who shall not obtaine rectification before the tuentieth of Agust to seek redress of his said Lesion at any tyme hereafter as accords in Law
1. NRS, PC1/50, 590-1.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 590-1.