Warrant, 14 May 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Warrand Anent Deficient men in Sir William Douglasses Regiment

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered a Memoriall given in to them By Sir William Douglas Collonell of one of his Majesties regiments uithin this Kingdome of the deficient men of the Late Levys be Longing to his regiment Bearing that ther are deficient for the shire of Fife nynteen men The shire of Argyle tuenty five men Dumbartoun tuo men The Laird of Cloberhill one man The toune of Cairntulloch one man The toune of Bute one man The toune of Edinburgh and Cannongate thretteen men Stirling and Clackmanan one man The saids Lords Doe heirby appoint the Commissioners of supplie uithin the shires and Bounds forsaids To Cause mak up and Compleat the saids Deficient men of the forsaid Levy And to Delyver the same to the officers of the said Sir William Douglas his regiment who shall be appointed to receave them And that at the toune or Burgh of Glasgow upon the tenth day of June next to Come under the penaltie of Tuo hundreth merks scotts for each man who shall not be delyvered To be payed by the persons by whom the men not delyvered should have been putt out And that by and attour the furnishing and putting out of the said men

Att Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Warrand Anent Deficient men in Sir William Douglasses Regiment

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered a Memoriall given in to them By Sir William Douglas Collonell of one of his Majesties regiments uithin this Kingdome of the deficient men of the Late Levys be Longing to his regiment Bearing that ther are deficient for the shire of Fife nynteen men The shire of Argyle tuenty five men Dumbartoun tuo men The Laird of Cloberhill one man The toune of Cairntulloch one man The toune of Bute one man The toune of Edinburgh and Cannongate thretteen men Stirling and Clackmanan one man The saids Lords Doe heirby appoint the Commissioners of supplie uithin the shires and Bounds forsaids To Cause mak up and Compleat the saids Deficient men of the forsaid Levy And to Delyver the same to the officers of the said Sir William Douglas his regiment who shall be appointed to receave them And that at the toune or Burgh of Glasgow upon the tenth day of June next to Come under the penaltie of Tuo hundreth merks scotts for each man who shall not be delyvered To be payed by the persons by whom the men not delyvered should have been putt out And that by and attour the furnishing and putting out of the said men

1. NRS, PC1/50, 531.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 531.