Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Agust Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Proclamation for a solemn fast and humiliation
William By the Grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland defender To […] Macers of our privie Counsell messengers at arms our shirreffs in that part Conjunctly and severallie Speciallie Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas by reasone of many abounding heinous sins and provocations The displeasure and urath of almightie God is verie visible against us and our people not only under the sad calamitie under which the kingdom Labours by reason of the disappointment and failing of the Cropt and fruits of the Ground for the year bypast wherupon such scarcity and dearth did ensue That the poor of the Land have Generallie been reduced to the Greatest extremity But also by the Continuance of such bad ueather and so unnaturall a season as doeth sadly threaten the misgiving and blasting of the present Cropt and fruits of the Ground to the Incress of that distres wherby the Kingdome is already afflicted and in hazard to be ruined if God in his mercy prevent not which Certainly Calls for our Deepest humiliation and most earnest and fervent supplication to our Gracious God to avert it which Consideration hath also moved the Commission of the Late Generall Assembly to address the Lords of our privie Counsell That a day of humiliation may be appointed and Keeped throughout this Kingdome wherfore we uith advice of the Lords of our privie Councill appoint and Command a day of solemn humiliation and prayer to be observed through this whole kingdome That all may putt up fervent prayers to God for his mercy and forgivenes and that He uould turne away his wrath and Keep off deserved judgement And yet Graciously Bless us and our people uith seasonable for Inbringing the fruits of the Ground As also that above all things He would bestow on us and them his spirituall and heavenly blessings by the Continouing and prospering of his Gospell and the fruits therof amongst us And we with advice forsaid require and Command the said solemn fast and day of humiliation to be religiously observed and Keeped by all ranks and degrees of people upon the days follouing viz In all the paroch Churches upon this side of the river of Tay upon the tuenty fifth day of Agust instant And in all the planted Churches of the rest of this Kingdome upon the Eight day of September next to Come and in such Churches as are vacant upon such days as shall be appointed by the presbyterie of the bounds Certifying such who shall Contemne or neglect the dutifull observing and Keeping of the said day of humiliation They shall be proceeded against as Contemners of our authority and neglecters of such a necessary duety And seing that on such ane occasione and for such Causes God doeth more speciallie require the exercise of Christian charity and Compassion touards the poor and Indigent whose pinching straits and wants Doe at present Lay them under the deepest distress Cry aloud to all for their help and releiff as they Expect and uould wish that God should be Gracious to them in the Lyke caise Therfore we doe further uith advise forsaid seriously Recommend to all our Good subjects to draw furth and extend their Christian charity and Compassion touards the poor and indigent by a Cheerfull and Liberall and bountifull Contributione upon the said day of humiliation and Lords day therafter as the best and most acceptable expressions of their sincerity and earnestnes in the forsaid duety And we peremptorly require and Command that not only the money to be Contribute and Collected upon the days forsaid But Lykewayes (if it shall be found needfull) that all other money formerly Collected and still Lying in Church boxes or in the hands of Kirksessions or Lent out upon Intrest by bonds taken for the product of such Collections be instantly uplifted Imployed and wared out for buying of victuall and other necessars for releiff of the poor uithin the bounds of the paroches to which the saids Collections and bounds doe belong and that at the sight of the ministers and Elders with Concourse of such heretors as shall joyne uith them uithin the saids respective paroches by these already Intrusted or who shall be Intrusted by the saids Ministers and Elders and heretors uith the oversight of the poor in the saids bounds To the effect the said victuall and other necessars for the releiff of the poor may be orderly and proportionallie distribute among them effeiring to their severall Indigencies And we againe Require and Command all Ministers of the Gospell and others forsaids to apply themselves dilligently to the forsaid pious work for the supplie and releiff of the poor as they uill be ansuerable to God and us theranent Our will is heirfore And ue Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries uithin this kingdome And In our name and authority make publicatione heirof that none pretend ignorance And ue ordaine our Sollicitor to dispatch Coppies hereof to the shirreffs of the severall shires and steuarts of steuartries and there Deputes or Clerks to be by them published at the mercat Crosses of the head burghs upon recept therof And Immediatly sent to the severall ministers To the effect they may read and Intimat the same from their pulpits upon the Lords day Immediatly preceeding the dayes aboveappointed And ordaines these presents to be printed and published In manner forsaid Given under our signet at Edinburgh the seventh day of Agust and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur sederunt Excepting the Lord Beilhaven and the Laird of Cessnock
1. NRS, PC1/50, 614-16.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 614-16.