Act, 2 June 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the second day of June Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Liberation Robert Fyfe

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell By Robert Fyffe son to the Deceast Patrick Fyfe merchand burges of Edinburgh Sheuing That the petitioner Having been by their Lordships warrand seised and Imprisoned uithin the tolbooth of Edinburgh He did remaine therin for the space of ten months till their Lordships were pleased to sett him at Libertie upon his finding sufficient Caution to Live peacably and not to remove above tuo mylls from Edinburgh which the petitioner hes accordingly done for the space of tuo years and more By which restraint not only the petitioners affairs in the Countrey are utterlie Lyke to perish But his health is mightily therby Impared and uill at Last hasten to the period of his Life except their Lordships take the petitioners condition to their serious consideration and therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships to take off the forsaid restraint from the petitioner and allow him freedome to Goe about his affairs in the Countrey He behaving himself peacably uithout disturbance of the present government as the said petition Bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having considered this petitione given in to them by the said Robert Fyffe They Doe heirby take off the former sentence of Confynment pronunced against the petitioner And declares him to be at Full Libertie to goe about his affairs as any others of his Majesties Leidges In respect He Hath Given Bond and found Gilbert Fyffe Late baillie of Edinburgh Cautioner for him That the petitioner shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present Government of his Majestie King William And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contrive any thing in prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond with any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councell when called for under the penaltie of Fiftie pounds sterling money in caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses And ordaines the petitioners former bond to be given up

Att Edinburgh the second day of June Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Liberation Robert Fyfe

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell By Robert Fyffe son to the Deceast Patrick Fyfe merchand burges of Edinburgh Sheuing That the petitioner Having been by their Lordships warrand seised and Imprisoned uithin the tolbooth of Edinburgh He did remaine therin for the space of ten months till their Lordships were pleased to sett him at Libertie upon his finding sufficient Caution to Live peacably and not to remove above tuo mylls from Edinburgh which the petitioner hes accordingly done for the space of tuo years and more By which restraint not only the petitioners affairs in the Countrey are utterlie Lyke to perish But his health is mightily therby Impared and uill at Last hasten to the period of his Life except their Lordships take the petitioners condition to their serious consideration and therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships to take off the forsaid restraint from the petitioner and allow him freedome to Goe about his affairs in the Countrey He behaving himself peacably uithout disturbance of the present government as the said petition Bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having considered this petitione given in to them by the said Robert Fyffe They Doe heirby take off the former sentence of Confynment pronunced against the petitioner And declares him to be at Full Libertie to goe about his affairs as any others of his Majesties Leidges In respect He Hath Given Bond and found Gilbert Fyffe Late baillie of Edinburgh Cautioner for him That the petitioner shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present Government of his Majestie King William And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contrive any thing in prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond with any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councell when called for under the penaltie of Fiftie pounds sterling money in caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses And ordaines the petitioners former bond to be given up

1. NRS, PC1/50, 536-7.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 536-7.