Att Edinburgh the twentie third of Jwny Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Recomendation Cook and Orrock
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Margaret Cook relict of Alexander Browne Seaman in Barrowstownes And Hellen Orrock relict of John Ryll Seaman ther Shewing that ther Lordships poor petitioners hwsbands being seamen most willingly engadged to serve the present government in company of the deceast Captaine […] Browne that was Lost in the Service being toward the coast of Ireland attacqued be the French wher both the said Captaine Browne and the Laird of Ladyland were Slaine And the petitioners husbands both died in ther wounds efter they were caryed prisoners to Ireland And the petitioners being left poor wedows with small children Are redacted to great Straits And applicatione being made to ther Lordships formerly to the relicts of Swch as died and the wives of those that Survived ther Lordships was graciously pleased to allow something to be given to each seamans relict or wife that were in companie of the said Captaine Hamiltowne of Ladieland or Captain Browne But in respect that it is payed in Smalls parcells the petitioners exhausts a great pairt of it when they come to Edinburgh to receave it and the petitioners hopes that ther Lordships will consider them some thing more nor they doe those that hes ther husbands alive that soe the petitioners and ther poor fatherles childrein be not altogither miserable And therfore humbly craveing ther Lordships graciowsly to consider the Stralined and Starveing conditione of the petitioners and ther fatherles childrein And as ther Lordships wse is to allow Something to be payed to the petitioners out of his majesties revenwes in whose service ther husbands Last ther lives that Soe the petitioners poor fatherles childrein be not rendered miserable as said is As the said petitione bears which being this day red and considered be the Saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaurie to consider the petitione And to grant the desyre therof in soe farr as ther Lordships Shall find Jwst and reasonable
1. NRS, PC2/26, 214v-215r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 214v-215r.