Act, 7 May 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Maj Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Act anent the Mint

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered the Report of a Committie of their oune Number wherof the tenor Folloues Edinburgh the sixth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie six The Committie Anent the Mint Sederunt The Earle of Lauderdale Lord Poluarth Lord Advocat and Laird of Blackbarrony Lord Poluarth Elected preses The Committie Having Considered the petition of the merchants As also the ansuers and representation made by the master and officers of the Mint Doe humbly present their opinion as folloues primo That for the better Ingathering of the Imposition granted by the Act of parliament Jaj vjc Eightie six for the support of a free Coynage The Tacksmen and Collectors of the Customes appointed to up Lift the same by the forsaid Act be ordained to give in their abbreviats quarterly and to fitt their equies Conforme to the forsaid Act of parliament under the paine of Deprivatione or such other pains as the Lords of Councell shall see Just Secundo That all merchants and others whither they have given in particular petitions or not have the benefite of the Act of Councell the tenth of December Last That is that they advancing the expence of the Coinadge in the termes of the forsaid Act may have their Bullion Coined according to the order prescribed by the Act of parliament And what the Lords of Councell shall farder ordaine in that matter Tertio that in respect the quantities of Bullion now brought in to the Mint are farr greater then these supposed and specified in the forsaid act of parliament which are only six thousand pounds scotts to be given out uithin Fifteen dayes or if a Greater soume uithin tuenty dayes wheras now the quantaties of Bullion offered Come to severall thousand pounds sterling And particularly Mr Murray hath six Thousand pounds starling which Cannot possiblie be returned in tuo months tyme Besyds that the Act of parliament obleidges the master of the Mint to receave all Bullion offered And to Coyne and give out the same according to the date of the offers wherby it may happen that tuo offering in one day yet the second offerer may be postponed for severall months Therfore the Committie is of opinione That the Lords of Councell according to the pouer given them by the said Act of parliament may and should order that all that offer bullion in one week should be reckoned in this manner viz that the First offerer should have six Thousand pounds scotts first Coined and returned And then the second and then the third and so furth And then to returne to the First offerer and the rest for what remains of their bullion And to dispatch them in Lyke manner uithin the space of Ten dayes for each six thousand pounds scotts Conform to the said Act of parliament Quarto That Because the coining of small species as Five and Ten shilling scotts peices Is double expence and paines And they were alwayes in use to be Coined of the Chizells and Fractions of the Journalls That in this manner ther may be a sufficient quantaty of them had to serve the Countrey Therfore ther should be noe Intire Journall of the said small species But that it is Enugh that the tenth pairt of Every Journall be Coined in the said small species which tenth pairt is estimat to be the equivalent of the said Chizell and fractions Quinto That Because it is a visible trouble to Troue Every five shilling scotts peice And that it is the use of the Touer of London that small peices be Troued by so many in the pound wherin ther Cannot be any prejudice That therafter ther be a reckoning made how many of the said five shilling peices doe make a pound as is done already by the Act of parliament And that they be Troued and given out by the pound weight accordingly sexto that seing Cobbs pass by weight And heirin doe Differ from the other species of Current Coine that pass not by weight And that all Cobbs have been formerly alloued to be Bullion That therfor all Cobbs weight or not be still alloued And declared to be Bullion as formerly or if this Cannot be granted that then Light Cobbs aither in specie or in Lignetts may be taken in upon the merchants oath He suearing that the Cobbs in specie are Light or the Lignets only made of Light Cobbs seing that is ane excessive Labour to weight every particular Cobb And Commonly they are all found to be Light And septimo that the Lords of Councell uould be pleased to Give effectuall orders for payment to Mr Clerk of his Tuo hundred pounds sterling seing he refuises to give dyes uithout which ther Can be nae Coining untill he be payed. Then say sic subscribitur Poluarth P The Saids Lords Having Considered the above report as said is Made to them by a Committie of their oune Number anent the affairs of his majesties Mint They heirby approve of the said Report And as to the first article therof ordaine and appoint the Tacksmen and Collectors to give in their abbreviats and fitt their equies as is mentioned in that article And that under the paine of deprivation And as to the sixth article The saids Lords Determine the alternative And declare all Cobbs weight or not to be Bullion And as to the Last article of the Report anent the money to be payed to Mr Clerk The Councell Gives noe Interloquitor theron In respect The Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie Have declared that they have already ordered the soume therin contained to be payed And ordaines the rest of the articles of the said report to take effect and to be putt to executione Conform to the tenor of the said report And Declares the same to have the effect of a decreit or sentence of Councill

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Maj Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Act anent the Mint

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered the Report of a Committie of their oune Number wherof the tenor Folloues Edinburgh the sixth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie six The Committie Anent the Mint Sederunt The Earle of Lauderdale Lord Poluarth Lord Advocat and Laird of Blackbarrony Lord Poluarth Elected preses The Committie Having Considered the petition of the merchants As also the ansuers and representation made by the master and officers of the Mint Doe humbly present their opinion as folloues primo That for the better Ingathering of the Imposition granted by the Act of parliament Jaj vjc Eightie six for the support of a free Coynage The Tacksmen and Collectors of the Customes appointed to up Lift the same by the forsaid Act be ordained to give in their abbreviats quarterly and to fitt their equies Conforme to the forsaid Act of parliament under the paine of Deprivatione or such other pains as the Lords of Councell shall see Just Secundo That all merchants and others whither they have given in particular petitions or not have the benefite of the Act of Councell the tenth of December Last That is that they advancing the expence of the Coinadge in the termes of the forsaid Act may have their Bullion Coined according to the order prescribed by the Act of parliament And what the Lords of Councell shall farder ordaine in that matter Tertio that in respect the quantities of Bullion now brought in to the Mint are farr greater then these supposed and specified in the forsaid act of parliament which are only six thousand pounds scotts to be given out uithin Fifteen dayes or if a Greater soume uithin tuenty dayes wheras now the quantaties of Bullion offered Come to severall thousand pounds sterling And particularly Mr Murray hath six Thousand pounds starling which Cannot possiblie be returned in tuo months tyme Besyds that the Act of parliament obleidges the master of the Mint to receave all Bullion offered And to Coyne and give out the same according to the date of the offers wherby it may happen that tuo offering in one day yet the second offerer may be postponed for severall months Therfore the Committie is of opinione That the Lords of Councell according to the pouer given them by the said Act of parliament may and should order that all that offer bullion in one week should be reckoned in this manner viz that the First offerer should have six Thousand pounds scotts first Coined and returned And then the second and then the third and so furth And then to returne to the First offerer and the rest for what remains of their bullion And to dispatch them in Lyke manner uithin the space of Ten dayes for each six thousand pounds scotts Conform to the said Act of parliament Quarto That Because the coining of small species as Five and Ten shilling scotts peices Is double expence and paines And they were alwayes in use to be Coined of the Chizells and Fractions of the Journalls That in this manner ther may be a sufficient quantaty of them had to serve the Countrey Therfore ther should be noe Intire Journall of the said small species But that it is Enugh that the tenth pairt of Every Journall be Coined in the said small species which tenth pairt is estimat to be the equivalent of the said Chizell and fractions Quinto That Because it is a visible trouble to Troue Every five shilling scotts peice And that it is the use of the Touer of London that small peices be Troued by so many in the pound wherin ther Cannot be any prejudice That therafter ther be a reckoning made how many of the said five shilling peices doe make a pound as is done already by the Act of parliament And that they be Troued and given out by the pound weight accordingly sexto that seing Cobbs pass by weight And heirin doe Differ from the other species of Current Coine that pass not by weight And that all Cobbs have been formerly alloued to be Bullion That therfor all Cobbs weight or not be still alloued And declared to be Bullion as formerly or if this Cannot be granted that then Light Cobbs aither in specie or in Lignetts may be taken in upon the merchants oath He suearing that the Cobbs in specie are Light or the Lignets only made of Light Cobbs seing that is ane excessive Labour to weight every particular Cobb And Commonly they are all found to be Light And septimo that the Lords of Councell uould be pleased to Give effectuall orders for payment to Mr Clerk of his Tuo hundred pounds sterling seing he refuises to give dyes uithout which ther Can be nae Coining untill he be payed. Then say sic subscribitur Poluarth P The Saids Lords Having Considered the above report as said is Made to them by a Committie of their oune Number anent the affairs of his majesties Mint They heirby approve of the said Report And as to the first article therof ordaine and appoint the Tacksmen and Collectors to give in their abbreviats and fitt their equies as is mentioned in that article And that under the paine of deprivation And as to the sixth article The saids Lords Determine the alternative And declare all Cobbs weight or not to be Bullion And as to the Last article of the Report anent the money to be payed to Mr Clerk The Councell Gives noe Interloquitor theron In respect The Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie Have declared that they have already ordered the soume therin contained to be payed And ordaines the rest of the articles of the said report to take effect and to be putt to executione Conform to the tenor of the said report And Declares the same to have the effect of a decreit or sentence of Councill

1. NRS, PC1/50, 516-18.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 516-18.