Att Edinburgh the Eightein day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Charles Murray and heretors of Newtoun
Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be The heretors and others within the paroch of Newtowne Shewing That wher through the vaccancie of the said paroch for the yeir Jaj vic and nyntie and Since Syne the fabrick of the kirk is totally rwined and the kirkyeard Dykes So Demolished that they are alltogither Levell with the ground And also the manse is whollie fallen Downe and must of necessitie with the haill office houses therto belonging be bwilt from the very fundatione befor a minister can possess the Same And Seing the petitioners are about to call a minister by wnanimous consent of the paroch and that necessar it is the manse be made habiteable for him and the kirk putt in repaire As also it is absolutely necessarie that severall small bridges be bwilt in Sundrie pairts of the paroch to make the access passable to the said kirk in the winter tyme And that the Shappell of the said kirk now readie to fall be bwilt and repaired for doeing all which piows works the haill heretors with The Earle of Lawderdale as haveing right to the patronadge Doe wnanimousely consent that the vaccant stipend of the said paroch for the yeir Jaj vic and nyntie and Since Syne be uplifted by Charles Murray of Hadden as factor nominat be them upon his finding cautione to apply the Same for the piows wses foirsaids at the Sight of The Earle of Lauderdale And Such of the heretors of the said paroch as the saids Lords of privie Counsell or the said Earle Shall please to nominat And therfor Humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the Said petitione bears which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Cownsell They heirby allow the vaccant Stipend of the said kirk of Newtowne for the yeir Jaj vic and nyntie, nyntie one, nyntie two, nyntie thrie, nyntie four, and Jaj vic and nyntie five to be imployed for repaireing of the fabrick of the said kirk and kirkyeard Dykes and for bwilding the ministers manse of the paroch and office houses belonging therto and for bwilding of Severall Small bridges in Sundrie pairts of the paroch to make the access passable to the kirk in the winter tyme And for bwilding and repaireing the Steiple of the Said kirk And nominats and appoints the above Charles Murray of Hadden to be factor for uplifting the saids vaccant Stipends And ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed therof be the heretors fewars wodsetters Liferenters titullars tacksmen of teinds tenents possessors and others lyable in payment of the saids yeirs vaccant Stipends And ordaines Letters of Horning and others needfull to be direct heiron at the Said Charles Murray of Hadden factor foirsaid his instance against the heretors and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the said vaccant Stipends upon productione of a decreit of Localitie And in caise ther be non ordaines the heretors and others forsaids to make payment to the said factor of ther respective proportiones therof according as they shall be determined and decerned by the Judge ordinary The said factor allwayes first befor extracting giveing bond and finding sufficient cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell that he Shall imploy the saids Stipends upon the ends and uses forsaids And that he Shall make payment to the Lords of privie Counsell or any whom they Shall appoint of the Superplws of the Saids vaccant Stipends So farr as the Same Shall not be imployed for the ends and wses foirsaids And the saids Lords declaires that this act is burdened with and does not extend to or comprehend any pairt of the vaccant Stipend of the said kirk alreadie given by the Saids Lords of privie Counsell to Gilbert Lawrie minister of the gospell conforme to ther act in his favoures of the date the twentie eight day of October Jaj vic nyntie And ordaines the said Charles Murray to make payment of the Stipend to the said Gilbert Laurie contained in the said act whensoever the Same Shall be uplifted by him
1. NRS, PC2/26, 130r-131r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 130r-131r.