Att Edinburgh the threttie day of Jullie Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs
Recomendatione Fergwsone and Smith
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell be George Fergwsone baillie of Old Meldrwm and Alexander Smith writer in Edinburgh Shewing That wher the petitioners being informed by their freinds and others of the Shyre of Aberdeen of the great Straits they are in for want of victwall and that the want and famine is daylie more and more incressing ther being Litle or no victwall in that Shyre or the next adjacent therto And for want therof ther hes Severalls dyed with in this fourtnight And earnestly intreated the petitioners to make Some Shift for ther releefe and keeping in of ther Lives they Judged themselves bownd to represent the Same to ther Lordships humbly expecting ther assistance for ther releiffe they being redacted to Such Straits for want of victwall that if they be not Speediely Supplied and victwall transported a good pairt of that and next Shyre will wndoubtedly Starve And the petitioners being resolved to goe to the north of England to bwy up Some corne and bear and transport the Same to Aberdeen to the qwantitie of Ane Thowsand or twelve 2 Hundered3 bolls which will amownt to a considerable Soume of money more then the petitioners are able to adventure seing ther are some French privateers said to be on the coasts so if ther Lordships owt of ther bowntie and goodnes would be pleased to allow the petitioners Some incowragement for effectwating ther Designe by rwning the risk therof in caise any privateers happen to Seaze upon the victwall by the way And to Show ther Lordships that the petitioners hes no designe to make any profite this way they are content to sell the Same at any rate ther Lordships Shall appoint above the rate the Same Shall be bowght or any profite that Shall be made therof to be at ther Lordships disposeall the necessarie expensses of the frawght And others being allowed in ther first end And therfor humbly craveing ther Lordships Sereowsely to considder the sad and miserable circumstances the poor people in the said Shyre are in and graceowsly be pleased to pass ane act in the petitioners favors for rwning the risk of the said victwall seing the petitioners designe no profeite for themselvs but allenarly the keeping of the poor in the said Shyre from Starveing And that ther Lordships would be pleased to doe the Same in all haist As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Cownsell They heirby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaurie to grant the desyre therof or otherwayes to Doe therin as they shall find Jwst
1. NRS, PC2/26, 253r-254r.
2. The words ‘two thousand’ scored out here.
3. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 253r-254r.
2. The words ‘two thousand’ scored out here.
3. Insertion.