Att Edinburgh the Fifteenth day of Aprile Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Act Major James Buchan
Major James Buchan who hes been in France since the tyme alloued by the Late Act of parliament being under baile and upon Cautione Having appeared The Lords of his Majesties privy Councell Committed him prisoner to the tolbooth of Edinburgh And Gives order and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of their tolbooth to sett the said Major James Buchan at Libertie furth therof He first appearing before Sir James Steuart his Majesties Advocat and Enacting himself in the books of his Majesties privie Councell In such terms and under such penaltie as his Lordship finds he hes allouance for from his Majestie That he shall Depairt furth of his majesties dominions and that uithin such a tyme as the Lord Advocat shall appoint And also first Giving bond and finding sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privie Councell That he shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present Government of his Majestie King William And that he shall not Act Consult or Contryve anything In prejudice therof nor shall not Converss or Correspond uith any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of his majesties privy Councell when Called for or requyred therto In caise he shall be Called before he depairt the dominions And that under the penaltie of ane Thousand merks scotts In caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses And upon Giving new bond appoints the former to be given up Before extracting the said Act Compeared the said Major James Buchan In presence of the Lord Advocat Conforme to his Lordships report after insert wherof the tenor folloues Compeared before Sir James Steuart his Majesties Advocat Major James Buchan And ther Conforme to ane ordinance of the Lords of privie Councell of the date the fifteenth day of Apryle instant Band obleidged and Enacted himself in the books of privy Councell That he shall depairt furth of this kingdome and of his majesties haill other dominions Betuixt and the tenth day of June nixt to Come or sooner at any tyme after the fifth day of may nixt to Come In caise the Lords of his majesties privie Councell shall think fitt that he depairt before the said tenth of June next As Lykeuise that he being furth of this Kingdome and his majesties other dominions He shall not goe to any of the dominions of the french King with whom his Majestie is in present open warr But shall abyde furth of this Kingdome and his Majesties other dominions and not goe to the dominions of the French King uithout his majesties express warrand As Lykewayes that during his forsaid abode abroad as said is He shall not Contrive or act anything against his Majestie his government forces or allayes directly or Indirectly, in any sort and that under the pains contained in the act of parliament Jaj vjc nyntie three against Corresponding uith France And farder the said Major James Buchan as principall and […] as Cautioner uith and for him Bind and obleidge them Conjunctly and severally and as Enacted in the forsaids books of privie Counsell That he the said Major James Buchan shall in the mean tyme before the said departure Live peacably with all submission to the present government of his Majestie King William and shall not Act Consult or Contryve anything in prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond uith any rebells and farder that the said Major James shall appear before the Lords of privie Councell when called for or requyred therto at any tyme before his said departure and that under the penaltie of one Thousand merks scotts money to be payed by principall or Cautioner In caise the principall transgress in any pairt of the premisses sic subscribitur James Steuart
1. NRS, PC1/50, 486-8.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 486-8.