Warrant, 12 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh thursday the tuelth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and seven years



Warrand and Recomendatione anent sick recruits in Edinburgh Castle

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe hereby appoynt Doctor William Blackeider to take Care of the tender recruits which are Left lyeing sick in the Castle of Edinburgh and to imploy any Chirurgeon he shall think fitt to take care of the said recruits with him And to provyde and fournish medicaments and all other thing necessary for recovering of the said recruits and to give in ther accounts to the Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie and Recomend’s to the said Lords Commissioners to cause make payment to the said Doctor Blakader and Chirurgeon to be imployed by Him of the saids accounts in so far as they shall find them just and usefull for the said sick men And appoynts the magistrats of Edinburgh to provyde a convenient House and furnish the same with beds and bedcloaths and other things necessary for the use of the said Recruits so long as they shall continow sick and whyle they convalesce and Recomends to Sir John Maxuell of Pollock to speak with the magistrats of Edinburgh once this afternoone anent the provydeing and furnishing the said house And appoynts the magistrats of Edinburgh to give in accompt of quhat shall be bestowed by them upon the said House and furnishing thereof And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie To make payment to the said magistrats of the said account so far as they shall find just and what extraordinary expences shall be laid out upon the extraordinary subsistance of the said ten recruits.

At Edinburgh thursday the tuelth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and seven years



Warrand and Recomendatione anent sick recruits in Edinburgh Castle

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe hereby appoynt Doctor William Blackeider to take Care of the tender recruits which are Left lyeing sick in the Castle of Edinburgh and to imploy any Chirurgeon he shall think fitt to take care of the said recruits with him And to provyde and fournish medicaments and all other thing necessary for recovering of the said recruits and to give in ther accounts to the Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie and Recomend’s to the said Lords Commissioners to cause make payment to the said Doctor Blakader and Chirurgeon to be imployed by Him of the saids accounts in so far as they shall find them just and usefull for the said sick men And appoynts the magistrats of Edinburgh to provyde a convenient House and furnish the same with beds and bedcloaths and other things necessary for the use of the said Recruits so long as they shall continow sick and whyle they convalesce and Recomends to Sir John Maxuell of Pollock to speak with the magistrats of Edinburgh once this afternoone anent the provydeing and furnishing the said house And appoynts the magistrats of Edinburgh to give in accompt of quhat shall be bestowed by them upon the said House and furnishing thereof And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie To make payment to the said magistrats of the said account so far as they shall find just and what extraordinary expences shall be laid out upon the extraordinary subsistance of the said ten recruits.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 397-8.

2. The word ‘warrand’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 397-8.

2. The word ‘warrand’ scored out here.