Proclamation, 7 August 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Agust Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Proclamation appointing 20ss scotts to be payed for every boll of forraign victuall that shall be Imported

William By the Grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Counsell messengers at arms our shirreffs in that part Conjunctlly and severallie speciallie Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas by sundrie acts of the Lords of our privie Councill and proclamations formerly Emitted by us Forraigne victuall was alloued to be Imported for releiff of the poor during the space therinmentioned Lykeas In Consideration of the Continouing dearth of victuall in severall places of this Kingdome and of the want and distres many of our good subjects Ly under therthrough And that the unseasonablenes of the weather threatning a late harvest may make the straits and wants of many especiallie of the poorer sort Insupportable before they can be releived by the present Cropt we have resolved to Give all Incouragement to any who shall import victuall to this kingdome from any forraign Countrey during the space aftermentioned Therfore we uith advice of the Lords of our privie Councill Doe heirby Grant Licence and full Libertie to all persons whatsoraever Forraigners or natives to Import victuall or Corns of all sorts either by sea or by Land from any other kingdome or countrey whatsomever untill the first day of october nixt to Come and that free of excise Custome or other Impositione for all that shall be Imported after the day and date hereof during the tyme forsaid And Recommends it to the Commissioners of our Thesaurie to Discharge the exacting of any such Custom excyse or Imposition for the said victuall so to be Imported notwithstanding of any Act of parliament or book of rates Imposing the same And for a further Encouragement and Invitation to all such who shall Import and bring into this Kingdome aither by sea or Land betuixt and the day forsaid victuall or Corn of any sort except malt we with advice of the Lords of our privie Councill Doe heirby appoint and ordaine the soume of Tuenty shilling scotts for each boll of the said forraign victuall (excepting as said is) to be Imported after the day and date hereof and betuixt and the said first of october to be Given and payed out of our Customs to the Importer therof upon his oath of veritie of the number of bolls imported by him taken in presence of any of the shirreffs of the severall shires of this Kingdome Baillies of Bailliaries or regalities steuarts of the steuartries or their respective deputs Magistrats of burgh or any of the Commissioners of supplie or justices of peace uithin the same and subscribed uith his hand and attested by the forsaids Judges and also by the collector of the next adjacent Custome house And of which Tuenty shilling scotts we uith advice forsaid require and Command the Tacksmen and Fermers of our Customs and their Collectors and other Receavers att the respective Custome2 houses to make present and ready payment for each boll of forragn victuall imported by sea or Land to the Importer therof upon his recept to be given on the back of the forsaid subscribed oath of the number of bolls Imported And which recept we uith advyce forsaid Declare shall be a sufficient  exoneration to the saids tacksemen and Fermers of our Customes and their Collectors of their said Tack deuty and be alloued to them in the fore end therof pro tanto Certifying such of the saids Collectors or other persons Imployed to receave money at the respective Custom houses by the Tacksemen and fermers of our saids Customs that if they shall faill to make due and punctuall payment of the said Tuenty shilling scotts for each boll of Imported victuall (excepting as said is) postpone or delay the Importers therof in the ready payment of the said soume when the said subscribed oath and recept is offered to them They shall not only be declared and ipso facto therby become Incapable to serve or be Imployed by our saids Fermers in any office or trust under them in uplifting our saids Customes But be farder Lyable in what penaltie and damnages to the party the Lords of our privie Counsell shall think fitt to Inflict upon them Our will is Heirfore And ue Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the meract Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries uithin this Kingdome And there in our name and authority make Intimation hereof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the seventh day of Agust and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur ut sederunt except the Lord Beilhaven and the Laird of Cessnock

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Agust Jaj vjc nyntie six years



Proclamation appointing 20ss scotts to be payed for every boll of forraign victuall that shall be Imported

William By the Grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Counsell messengers at arms our shirreffs in that part Conjunctlly and severallie speciallie Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas by sundrie acts of the Lords of our privie Councill and proclamations formerly Emitted by us Forraigne victuall was alloued to be Imported for releiff of the poor during the space therinmentioned Lykeas In Consideration of the Continouing dearth of victuall in severall places of this Kingdome and of the want and distres many of our good subjects Ly under therthrough And that the unseasonablenes of the weather threatning a late harvest may make the straits and wants of many especiallie of the poorer sort Insupportable before they can be releived by the present Cropt we have resolved to Give all Incouragement to any who shall import victuall to this kingdome from any forraign Countrey during the space aftermentioned Therfore we uith advice of the Lords of our privie Councill Doe heirby Grant Licence and full Libertie to all persons whatsoraever Forraigners or natives to Import victuall or Corns of all sorts either by sea or by Land from any other kingdome or countrey whatsomever untill the first day of october nixt to Come and that free of excise Custome or other Impositione for all that shall be Imported after the day and date hereof during the tyme forsaid And Recommends it to the Commissioners of our Thesaurie to Discharge the exacting of any such Custom excyse or Imposition for the said victuall so to be Imported notwithstanding of any Act of parliament or book of rates Imposing the same And for a further Encouragement and Invitation to all such who shall Import and bring into this Kingdome aither by sea or Land betuixt and the day forsaid victuall or Corn of any sort except malt we with advice of the Lords of our privie Councill Doe heirby appoint and ordaine the soume of Tuenty shilling scotts for each boll of the said forraign victuall (excepting as said is) to be Imported after the day and date hereof and betuixt and the said first of october to be Given and payed out of our Customs to the Importer therof upon his oath of veritie of the number of bolls imported by him taken in presence of any of the shirreffs of the severall shires of this Kingdome Baillies of Bailliaries or regalities steuarts of the steuartries or their respective deputs Magistrats of burgh or any of the Commissioners of supplie or justices of peace uithin the same and subscribed uith his hand and attested by the forsaids Judges and also by the collector of the next adjacent Custome house And of which Tuenty shilling scotts we uith advice forsaid require and Command the Tacksmen and Fermers of our Customs and their Collectors and other Receavers att the respective Custome2 houses to make present and ready payment for each boll of forragn victuall imported by sea or Land to the Importer therof upon his recept to be given on the back of the forsaid subscribed oath of the number of bolls Imported And which recept we uith advyce forsaid Declare shall be a sufficient  exoneration to the saids tacksemen and Fermers of our Customes and their Collectors of their said Tack deuty and be alloued to them in the fore end therof pro tanto Certifying such of the saids Collectors or other persons Imployed to receave money at the respective Custom houses by the Tacksemen and fermers of our saids Customs that if they shall faill to make due and punctuall payment of the said Tuenty shilling scotts for each boll of Imported victuall (excepting as said is) postpone or delay the Importers therof in the ready payment of the said soume when the said subscribed oath and recept is offered to them They shall not only be declared and ipso facto therby become Incapable to serve or be Imployed by our saids Fermers in any office or trust under them in uplifting our saids Customes But be farder Lyable in what penaltie and damnages to the party the Lords of our privie Counsell shall think fitt to Inflict upon them Our will is Heirfore And ue Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the meract Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries uithin this Kingdome And there in our name and authority make Intimation hereof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the seventh day of Agust and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur ut sederunt except the Lord Beilhaven and the Laird of Cessnock

1. NRS, PC1/50, 616-18.

2. Insertion. The word ‘office’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 616-18.

2. Insertion. The word ‘office’ scored out here.