Warrant, 17 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh the seventeenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Warrand for seizing two Papist Preists at Aberdeen

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe Hereby appoynt the Magistrats of2 Aberdeen To seize upon and apprehend the persons of Doctor John Jamesone alias Mr John Paul and of Master John Abercrombie two popish Preists and delyver them to the Shirriff of Aberdeen or his deputs who are to receive them and put them under a sufficient guard and convoy and delyver them to the Shirriff of the next Shyre and appoynts them so to be convoyed from Shirriff to Shirriff under a sufficient guard untill they come to the Tolbooth of the Canongate And ordaines the Baillies of the Canongate and keeper of their Tolbooth To receive and detaine the said two preists prisoners therin till farder order.

At Edinburgh the seventeenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Warrand for seizing two Papist Preists at Aberdeen

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe Hereby appoynt the Magistrats of2 Aberdeen To seize upon and apprehend the persons of Doctor John Jamesone alias Mr John Paul and of Master John Abercrombie two popish Preists and delyver them to the Shirriff of Aberdeen or his deputs who are to receive them and put them under a sufficient guard and convoy and delyver them to the Shirriff of the next Shyre and appoynts them so to be convoyed from Shirriff to Shirriff under a sufficient guard untill they come to the Tolbooth of the Canongate And ordaines the Baillies of the Canongate and keeper of their Tolbooth To receive and detaine the said two preists prisoners therin till farder order.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 417.

2. The word ‘Edinburgh’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 417.

2. The word ‘Edinburgh’ scored out here.