Warrant, 29 February 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

[29 February 1696] Eodem Die Postmeridiem sederunt Exrordinarie



Warrand for committing the Earle of Strathmore to the Castle of Edinburgh

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe Hereby recomend to the Earle of Leven Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh and in his absence giv’s ordor and warrand to the next Commanding officer there To receive and detaine Prisoner into the Castle of Edinburgh the persone of […] Earle of Strathmore untill furder order of Councill and appoynts Captaine Colt to convoy the said Earle to the said Castle.

[29 February 1696] Eodem Die Postmeridiem sederunt Exrordinarie



Warrand for committing the Earle of Strathmore to the Castle of Edinburgh

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe Hereby recomend to the Earle of Leven Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh and in his absence giv’s ordor and warrand to the next Commanding officer there To receive and detaine Prisoner into the Castle of Edinburgh the persone of […] Earle of Strathmore untill furder order of Councill and appoynts Captaine Colt to convoy the said Earle to the said Castle.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 351.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 351.