Procedure: committee formed, 4 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh weddensday the fourth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie anent secureing ships in the Firth

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill doe Hereby recomend to the Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Enstruther to call for and speak with the magistrats of Edinburgh and to appoynt the magistrats to call for and speack with such Skippers at Leith and other places upon the Coast syde and with the merchants who may Have interests in the ships lyeing in the Harbours in the Firth as they can meet with And to see what wayes they can propose as most convenient for secureing the ships in the east Harbours from the French in case any french ships shall come within this firth whether it will be fitt to carrie the said ships to the Harbour or road of Queensferry or other western harbours or roads or what other Expediences they will propose

At Edinburgh weddensday the fourth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie anent secureing ships in the Firth

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill doe Hereby recomend to the Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Enstruther to call for and speak with the magistrats of Edinburgh and to appoynt the magistrats to call for and speack with such Skippers at Leith and other places upon the Coast syde and with the merchants who may Have interests in the ships lyeing in the Harbours in the Firth as they can meet with And to see what wayes they can propose as most convenient for secureing the ships in the east Harbours from the French in case any french ships shall come within this firth whether it will be fitt to carrie the said ships to the Harbour or road of Queensferry or other western harbours or roads or what other Expediences they will propose

1. NRS, PC1/50, 367-8.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 367-8.