Att Edinburgh the seventh Day of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs
Act Howstowne and pairtners anent a rope manufactorie
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Patrick Howstowne and pairtners Shewing Forasmuch as the said Patrick Houstoune and James and William Walkingshawes William Crafurd and James Corbett merchands burgess of Glassgow his pairtners have entered into a contract of Copairtnery for setting up and erecting in the burgh of Glasgow or some other convenient place on the river of Clyde a manwfactorie for Spining and makeing of all maner of Cabbles and all other cordage great and small fitt for shipping and navigatione and of all other white cordage for serveing the Countrie and to bring in workmen natives or Forraigners Skilled and able in the said airt with all instruments and materialls needfull and to bwild workhouses Storehouses and others Suteable and expedient to this designe And to doe all other things needfull for carieing on the Same And for this effect to advance and Stock in each of them for ther equall pairts the Soume of Fourtie thousand punds Scotts or more as Shall be condescended to by them As ther said contract more fullie proports Which work and manufactorie will be of Singular advantage for the publict good of this kingdome And Seing that his majestie and the estates of paraliment by the 40th act of parliament Jaj vic Sixtie ane intituled act for erecting of namwfactories Did for the notable advantadge and ends therinspecified grant to all Such persones as Should wndertake to Sett up any manwfactories the particular priviledges therin enumerat And furder by the twelve act of the parliament Jaj vic eightie one Intituled act for incouradgeing trade and manufactories ratifie the former act in most ample maner And therby expressly awthorizes The Lords of privie Counsell to Declaire these manufactories allreddy then sett up or that herefter Should be Sett up to be Such to the effect they may enjoy the priviledges Liberties and immwnities granted by the Said act of parliament And therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above petitione given in to them be the said Patrick Houstowne and his pairtners with the contract of Copairtnershipe mentioned therin and produced therwith They heirby erect the above work into a manwfactorie of Cables Cordage and ropes And Declaires the Same to have the whole priviledges Liberties and immwnities particularly and generally granted be the above act of parliament and the Same belong als fullie and effectually to the pairners Said manufactorie themselvs and Servants imployed by them as if these men had bein estaiblished by ane express act of parliament And as all the foirsaids priviledges Liberties and immwnities were particularly and expressly herein Sett Downe and granted or that any other awthorized manufactorie within this kingdome hath or death enjoy conforme to the said act of parliament dispenseing with the generalitie heirof and holding and willing the Same to be als good valid and effectuall as if the saids haill priviledges Liberties and imwnities were heirin expressly enumerat Att pronounceing this interloquitor The Counsell reserved to the manwfactorie of at Newhaven or els where to be heard in Jwny next if they have thing to object against this And the petitioners to ansuer
1. NRS, PC2/26, 180r-181r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 180r-181r.