Act, 21 May 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie ane of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Anent accompts resting to the Earle of Glencairns regiment to the towne of Air

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for retifieing the accompts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrie Beareing that the Comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting be The Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot which was upon Scotts pay to the inhabitants within the towne of Air with the instructiones and verificationes therof they find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven by recepts upon each accompt under the hands of the officers of the company to whom the accompts is furnished containing the Soume and acknowledgeing the same to be resting and containing a precept owt of the companies pay which accompts and recepts theron as said is were all produced to and considered by The Comittie and all the recepts and obleidgements on the accompts are dated the fourtein day of Aprile Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs And The Comittie finds that conforme to the saids accompts and instructiones therof ther is resting Be the said Earle of Glencairn his regiment of foot which was upon Scotts pay and the severall companies therof efternamed the Soumes follouing to the saids inhabitants within the towne of Air viz be the Collonells company the Soume of Ane Hundered and Eleven punds Seven Shilling Scotts Item be the Leivetennent Collonells company Ane Hundereth and fourtie thrie punds eight Shilling Scotts money foirsaid Item be The Majors company the Soume of Ane Hundereth and twelve punds thrie Shilling Scotts Item be Sir Thomas Niccollsones company the Soume of Fourscore nyntein punds Eleven Shilling Scotts Item be Captaine Cwninghams company Ane Hundereth and eight punds two Shilling Scots Item be Captaine Mckeinzes company the Soume of Ane hundered threttie eight punds twelve Shilling ten pennes Scotts Item be Captaine John Mckyes company Ane Hundereth and fiftein punds twelve Shilling Scotts Extending the haill Soumes foirsaids Due by the said regiment and severall companyes therin to the Soume of Eight hundereth twentie eight punds fiftein Shilling ten pennies Scotts And the Comittie finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is made up were all furnished preceeding the first day of February Jaj vic nyntie ane yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this current parliament intituled act for pole money And proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And therfore it is the Comitties opinion that the said Soume of Eight Hundereth twentie eight punds fiftein Shilling Scotts is to be payed to the inhabitants of the said towne of Air out of the pole money imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs And that they are to be recomended to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the said polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie for payment of the Same accordingly As the said report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the said report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs To cause make payment to the saids inhabitants of the said soume of Eight Hundereth and tuentie eight punds fiftein shilling scotts money And that out of the said pole money.2

Att Edinburgh the twentie ane of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Anent accompts resting to the Earle of Glencairns regiment to the towne of Air

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for retifieing the accompts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrie Beareing that the Comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting be The Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot which was upon Scotts pay to the inhabitants within the towne of Air with the instructiones and verificationes therof they find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven by recepts upon each accompt under the hands of the officers of the company to whom the accompts is furnished containing the Soume and acknowledgeing the same to be resting and containing a precept owt of the companies pay which accompts and recepts theron as said is were all produced to and considered by The Comittie and all the recepts and obleidgements on the accompts are dated the fourtein day of Aprile Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs And The Comittie finds that conforme to the saids accompts and instructiones therof ther is resting Be the said Earle of Glencairn his regiment of foot which was upon Scotts pay and the severall companies therof efternamed the Soumes follouing to the saids inhabitants within the towne of Air viz be the Collonells company the Soume of Ane Hundered and Eleven punds Seven Shilling Scotts Item be the Leivetennent Collonells company Ane Hundereth and fourtie thrie punds eight Shilling Scotts money foirsaid Item be The Majors company the Soume of Ane Hundereth and twelve punds thrie Shilling Scotts Item be Sir Thomas Niccollsones company the Soume of Fourscore nyntein punds Eleven Shilling Scotts Item be Captaine Cwninghams company Ane Hundereth and eight punds two Shilling Scots Item be Captaine Mckeinzes company the Soume of Ane hundered threttie eight punds twelve Shilling ten pennes Scotts Item be Captaine John Mckyes company Ane Hundereth and fiftein punds twelve Shilling Scotts Extending the haill Soumes foirsaids Due by the said regiment and severall companyes therin to the Soume of Eight hundereth twentie eight punds fiftein Shilling ten pennies Scotts And the Comittie finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is made up were all furnished preceeding the first day of February Jaj vic nyntie ane yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this current parliament intituled act for pole money And proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And therfore it is the Comitties opinion that the said Soume of Eight Hundereth twentie eight punds fiftein Shilling Scotts is to be payed to the inhabitants of the said towne of Air out of the pole money imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs And that they are to be recomended to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the said polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie for payment of the Same accordingly As the said report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the said report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs To cause make payment to the saids inhabitants of the said soume of Eight Hundereth and tuentie eight punds fiftein shilling scotts money And that out of the said pole money.2

1. NRS, PC2/26, 185v-186v.

2. The words ‘The Lords’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 185v-186v.

2. The words ‘The Lords’ scored out here.