Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Irvin of Murthle and Lady Drum
The Lords of his majesties privie Councell haveing considered a petitione given in to them be Alexander Irvine of Murthill and answuers made therto for the freinds of of2 The Lady Dowager of Drwm in Behalf of the Lady and She for herself with ane additionall representatione for the Laird of Murthill They doe heirby allow and ordaine Hellen Irvine Spouse to Alexander Walker Late baillie in Aberdeen and Anna Cumming Spouse to John Watsone merchand burges of the said burgh of Aberdeen for The Laird of Murthill And Mrs Mary Irvine Lady to Cownt Lessly of Balqwhaine and Mrs Margaret Irvine Lady Pittfoddels for The Lady Dowager of Drum to be present and remaine at the house of Drum or any other house wher the Lady Drum shall reside And that from the twentieth Day of Feburary instant untill the tyme that The Lady be Delyvered and allowes and ordaines them dureing the Space forsaid to have frie access to The Lady Drums chamber or any other roome in which She may be And that from tyme to tyme as they Shall find necessary In respect Alexander Irvin of Murthill hes given bond and found Sufficient caution acted in the books of privie Counsell That he shall not repaire to the house of Drum nor any other house in which The Lady Drum Shall be nor any maner of way molest or disturb the said Lady intill she be Delivered wnder the penaltie of Two Hundereth wnder the penaltie of Two Hundereth punds Sterleing And ordains The Said Lady Dowager of Drum to find cautione in the Shirreff court books of Aberdeen that She Shall make furth comeing to any persone haveing best interest all the moveables and household plainshing of the house of Drum which were in her custodie the tyme of her husbands decease And that She Shall not dispose upon nor take away any part therof wnder the penaltie of fiftie pund Sterleing
1. NRS, PC2/26, 123v-124r.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 123v-124r.
2. Sic.