Act, 6 February 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the sixth Day of February Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act and Recomendatione in favors of inhabitants of Dwnss

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the Comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majesties forces to the inhabitants within the towne of Dwnss with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find that ther are some of the articles of the said accompts which are not in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this current parliament and proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And therfore they have refwised and rejected these articles And findes the haill articles of the said accompt Sufficiently verified and proven aither by write under the hands of the Souldiers or officers to whom the Same were furnished or be the oathes or depositiones of the persones furnishers taken befor two of the comissioners of Supplie within the Shyre of Berwick Conforme to the depositiones of the pairties and report of the Comissioners written upon the end of the said accompt Subscribed be the saids Comissioners beareing that they have considered the accompt with the instructiones therof pairtley be write and pairtly by oath taken in the presence And finds the Same Sufficiently proven And that all the articles were furnished for meat Drink farrage and Subsistance preceeding Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs Which accompt writes depositiones and report were all produced to and considered be the said comittie And finds that besydes the articles refwsed and rejected as said is ther is still resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the Saids inhabitants within the towne of Dwnss the Soumes following viz By The Lord Yester his troupe of horse the Soume of Fourtie five punds eight Shilling eight pennies Scotts Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes the Soume of Two hundereth twentie Six punds four Shilling Scotts money Item by The Lord Blintyre his regiment of foot the Soume of Fourtie five punds Scotts money foirsaid Extending the haill Soumes foirsaids resting be his majesties forces which were upon Scotts pay to the Saids inhabitants within the burgh of Dwnss altogither in one to the Soume of Thrie hundereth and Sixtein punds twelve Shilling eight pennies Scotts And finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is made up were all furnished preceeding the first day of february Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth Sessione of this current parliament and proclamationes of privie Counsell relative therto And therfor it is the Comitties opinion that the said Soume of Thrie Hundereth and Sixtein punds tuelve Shilling eight pennies Scotts is to be payed to the Saids inhabitants of Dwnss out of the pole money imposed in anno Jaj vic and nyntie thrie And that they are to be recommended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the said pole money for payment of the Same accordingly And findes that ther is resting by The Earle of Leivens regiment which was not upon Scotts pay to the Saids inhabitants the Soume of Threttein punds thrie Shilling Six pennies Scotts money And It is the comitties opinion that this Soume be transmitted to The Kings majestie that he may order Such course to be taken therwith as in his royall wisedome he Shall think fitt As the said report beares The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the said report They heirby recomend to the Comissioners of parliament anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic and nyntie thrie to cause make payment to the Saids inhabitants of Dwnss of the Soume of Thrie Hundereth and Sixtein pwnds twelve Shilling eight pennies Scotts resting to them be his majesties forces which were upon Scotts pay And appointes the Soume of Threttein punds thrie Shilling Six pennies Scotts resting to them be The Earle of Leivens regiment which was not upon Scotts pay to be transmitted to His majestie that he may order Such course to be taken therwith as in his Royall wisedome he Shall think fitt

Att Edinburgh the sixth Day of February Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act and Recomendatione in favors of inhabitants of Dwnss

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the Comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majesties forces to the inhabitants within the towne of Dwnss with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find that ther are some of the articles of the said accompts which are not in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this current parliament and proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And therfore they have refwised and rejected these articles And findes the haill articles of the said accompt Sufficiently verified and proven aither by write under the hands of the Souldiers or officers to whom the Same were furnished or be the oathes or depositiones of the persones furnishers taken befor two of the comissioners of Supplie within the Shyre of Berwick Conforme to the depositiones of the pairties and report of the Comissioners written upon the end of the said accompt Subscribed be the saids Comissioners beareing that they have considered the accompt with the instructiones therof pairtley be write and pairtly by oath taken in the presence And finds the Same Sufficiently proven And that all the articles were furnished for meat Drink farrage and Subsistance preceeding Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs Which accompt writes depositiones and report were all produced to and considered be the said comittie And finds that besydes the articles refwsed and rejected as said is ther is still resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the Saids inhabitants within the towne of Dwnss the Soumes following viz By The Lord Yester his troupe of horse the Soume of Fourtie five punds eight Shilling eight pennies Scotts Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes the Soume of Two hundereth twentie Six punds four Shilling Scotts money Item by The Lord Blintyre his regiment of foot the Soume of Fourtie five punds Scotts money foirsaid Extending the haill Soumes foirsaids resting be his majesties forces which were upon Scotts pay to the Saids inhabitants within the burgh of Dwnss altogither in one to the Soume of Thrie hundereth and Sixtein punds twelve Shilling eight pennies Scotts And finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is made up were all furnished preceeding the first day of february Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth Sessione of this current parliament and proclamationes of privie Counsell relative therto And therfor it is the Comitties opinion that the said Soume of Thrie Hundereth and Sixtein punds tuelve Shilling eight pennies Scotts is to be payed to the Saids inhabitants of Dwnss out of the pole money imposed in anno Jaj vic and nyntie thrie And that they are to be recommended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the said pole money for payment of the Same accordingly And findes that ther is resting by The Earle of Leivens regiment which was not upon Scotts pay to the Saids inhabitants the Soume of Threttein punds thrie Shilling Six pennies Scotts money And It is the comitties opinion that this Soume be transmitted to The Kings majestie that he may order Such course to be taken therwith as in his royall wisedome he Shall think fitt As the said report beares The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the said report They heirby recomend to the Comissioners of parliament anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic and nyntie thrie to cause make payment to the Saids inhabitants of Dwnss of the Soume of Thrie Hundereth and Sixtein pwnds twelve Shilling eight pennies Scotts resting to them be his majesties forces which were upon Scotts pay And appointes the Soume of Threttein punds thrie Shilling Six pennies Scotts resting to them be The Earle of Leivens regiment which was not upon Scotts pay to be transmitted to His majestie that he may order Such course to be taken therwith as in his Royall wisedome he Shall think fitt

1. NRS, PC2/26, 119r-120v.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 119r-120v.