Att Edinburgh the Fifteenth day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years
Warrand to Flanders officers to beat Drums
The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Considering that his Majestie by his Letter of the tuenty of November Jaj vic nyntie six years has signified his royall pleasure that the Scottish regiments in Flanders Be speedily and effectuallie recruited And his Majestie being sensible that abuses are ordinarily Committed upon such occasions has recommended to the saids Lords of privie Councill a due Care and temper in this matter By Giving the officers all necessary Countenance and assistance and yet Keeping them uithin the bounds that the Law prescribes And has declared his royall will and pleasure that the saids Lords allow the saids officers to beat Drums and to take all other methods Consistent with Law for Levying the men they want Therfore the saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councill In obedience to and prosecution of his Majesties Commands Contained in the above Letters Doe heirby Give warrand to and authorize […] officers sent from Flanders for recruits to Levy men For the making up of their saids recruites And for that effect to take in such persons as are willing to Ingage in the service In the terms of his Majesties said Letter And to beat drums within the burgh of Edinburgh and other places needfull for that end And ordaines all the Magistrats of burghs and other magistrats and ministers of the Law within this realme to Give Concurrence to the saids officers for making up of their recruites and securing such persons as shall willingly Ingage with them in the service And to allow to the officers the benefite of their prisons for such as shall Ingage therin The officers aluayes maintaining such persons as shall be Committed by them to the forsaids prisons And finding Caution for that effect And appointes the prisoners to be furnished free of house, Jaylor, Fee or other dues whatsoever.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 66-7.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 66-7.