Order, 2 March 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Eodem Die Sederunt ameridie ut antemeridiem



Ordor to Collingtoune anent his Hay

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe Hereby prohibite and discharge the Lord Collingtoune to sell or dispose upon any part of the hey belonging to Him without speciall warrand from the said Lords of privie Councill for that effect except eight rucks which he hath alreadie received money for And ordaines the said Lord Collingtoune to sell and deliver to the Commissaries of the armie such quantities of his said hey as they shall requyre and stand in need of from tyme to tyme for the use of the armie at the rate of thretty pound scots per ruck And ordain’s the Commissaries of the army to pay present money for the hey at the said pryce which the said Lords are informed the said Lord Collingtoune is willing to sell it at

Eodem Die Sederunt ameridie ut antemeridiem



Ordor to Collingtoune anent his Hay

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe Hereby prohibite and discharge the Lord Collingtoune to sell or dispose upon any part of the hey belonging to Him without speciall warrand from the said Lords of privie Councill for that effect except eight rucks which he hath alreadie received money for And ordaines the said Lord Collingtoune to sell and deliver to the Commissaries of the armie such quantities of his said hey as they shall requyre and stand in need of from tyme to tyme for the use of the armie at the rate of thretty pound scots per ruck And ordain’s the Commissaries of the army to pay present money for the hey at the said pryce which the said Lords are informed the said Lord Collingtoune is willing to sell it at

1. NRS, PC1/50, 354.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 354.