Order, 21 January 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie one day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Recomendatione Mr John Cobb

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Councell be Mr John Cobb preacher of the gospell at Stronsay and Ethey in Orknay Shewing Wheras the petitioner Some moneths ago haveing come from the saids Islands of Orkney to attend the generall assemblie of this church in order to be receaved into ministeriall comunion with them was by them referred to ther Comissione And the said Comissione haveing heard the petitioner did upon the tenth current not only recommend the petitioner to the presbetry of Glasgow to preach as a probationer for some tyme in order to his ordinatione But also in regwaird the petitioners Long Journey and absence from his families and that he is still obleidged to be absent from it for a considerable tyme did humbly recommend the petitioner to the saids Lords of privie Cownsell or Lords of Thesaurie for a vaccant Stipend to defray his necessarie chargers and Subsistance for his familie in his absence as the recomendatione produced with the said petitione Doeth testifie And the churches of Thwrso and Week in Caithnes being both vaccant by the death of the incumebtns and of his majesties pratronage And at the saids Lords of privie Counsells Disposall Therfore Desyreing the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther serious consideratione And to ordaine and appoint the Stipend of aither of the saids churches for the cropt Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs to be payed to the petitioner for the ends above specified And to grant warrand for Letters and others needfull for that effect As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red in presence of the saids Lords of ther majesties privie Counsell And they haveing at lenth considered the Same They heirby recommend to The Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to consider the petitione And to allow to him such a competent supplie as they shall think fitt

Att Edinburgh the twentie one day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Recomendatione Mr John Cobb

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Councell be Mr John Cobb preacher of the gospell at Stronsay and Ethey in Orknay Shewing Wheras the petitioner Some moneths ago haveing come from the saids Islands of Orkney to attend the generall assemblie of this church in order to be receaved into ministeriall comunion with them was by them referred to ther Comissione And the said Comissione haveing heard the petitioner did upon the tenth current not only recommend the petitioner to the presbetry of Glasgow to preach as a probationer for some tyme in order to his ordinatione But also in regwaird the petitioners Long Journey and absence from his families and that he is still obleidged to be absent from it for a considerable tyme did humbly recommend the petitioner to the saids Lords of privie Cownsell or Lords of Thesaurie for a vaccant Stipend to defray his necessarie chargers and Subsistance for his familie in his absence as the recomendatione produced with the said petitione Doeth testifie And the churches of Thwrso and Week in Caithnes being both vaccant by the death of the incumebtns and of his majesties pratronage And at the saids Lords of privie Counsells Disposall Therfore Desyreing the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther serious consideratione And to ordaine and appoint the Stipend of aither of the saids churches for the cropt Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs to be payed to the petitioner for the ends above specified And to grant warrand for Letters and others needfull for that effect As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red in presence of the saids Lords of ther majesties privie Counsell And they haveing at lenth considered the Same They heirby recommend to The Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to consider the petitione And to allow to him such a competent supplie as they shall think fitt

1. NRS, PC2/26, 103v-104r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 103v-104r.