Act, 28 January 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday the tuenty eight day of Januarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act appoynting Collectors of Shyres To receave Clipped merks peices etc from the Paroch Collectors of the Pole money and ordaining dilligence against Paroch Collectors

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill doe hereby appoynt the Collectors of Shyres for the pole money to receive from the Collectors of particular Paroches all such clipped old merk peices and their fractiones as the Paroch Collectors shall delyver to them The said Parish Collectors first giveing their oathes in presence of one of the Commissioners of supply within the shyres where they are Collectors That the offer or delyver noe other clipped merk peices and their fractions to the said Collectors of shyres but such as were truely received in by them the paroch Collectors, in payment of the pole money which they give in to the said Collectors of shyrs, and that before the proclamatione dischargeing the said merk peices and their fractions was promulgate in the respective shyres where the Deponents Lives: And the Councill Declairs that noe polemoney is to be exacted for any persons who died before the tearme of Martimass Last being the first terme appoynted for uplifting the polemoney And the Councill doe Hereby Ordaine all such dilligence to pass at the instance of the Collectors of shyres against the Collectors of particular parishes for giveing in Lists of poleable persones in their bounds and payment of the pole money Collected by them as is allowed to pass and to be direct against the poleable persones themselves And ordain’s these presents to be printed and appoynts his majesties Sollicitor to send printed Coppies Hereof to the severall Collectors of Shyres sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancel Southerland Lauderdale Forfar Kintore Beilhaven Carmichaell Polwarth Adam Cockburne T Burnet John Maxuell

At Edinburgh tuesday the tuenty eight day of Januarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act appoynting Collectors of Shyres To receave Clipped merks peices etc from the Paroch Collectors of the Pole money and ordaining dilligence against Paroch Collectors

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill doe hereby appoynt the Collectors of Shyres for the pole money to receive from the Collectors of particular Paroches all such clipped old merk peices and their fractiones as the Paroch Collectors shall delyver to them The said Parish Collectors first giveing their oathes in presence of one of the Commissioners of supply within the shyres where they are Collectors That the offer or delyver noe other clipped merk peices and their fractions to the said Collectors of shyres but such as were truely received in by them the paroch Collectors, in payment of the pole money which they give in to the said Collectors of shyrs, and that before the proclamatione dischargeing the said merk peices and their fractions was promulgate in the respective shyres where the Deponents Lives: And the Councill Declairs that noe polemoney is to be exacted for any persons who died before the tearme of Martimass Last being the first terme appoynted for uplifting the polemoney And the Councill doe Hereby Ordaine all such dilligence to pass at the instance of the Collectors of shyres against the Collectors of particular parishes for giveing in Lists of poleable persones in their bounds and payment of the pole money Collected by them as is allowed to pass and to be direct against the poleable persones themselves And ordain’s these presents to be printed and appoynts his majesties Sollicitor to send printed Coppies Hereof to the severall Collectors of Shyres sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancel Southerland Lauderdale Forfar Kintore Beilhaven Carmichaell Polwarth Adam Cockburne T Burnet John Maxuell

1. NRS, PC1/50, 325.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 325.