At Edinburgh the thretteinth day of Aprile Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Act Captain James Patton
Mr Alexander Cochrane of Bonshaw and David Malcolme wryter in Edinburgh Cautioners for Captaine James Pattoun Being Cited and Called Compeared personallie the said James Pattoun the principall. The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Have alloued and heirby alloues the said Captain James Pattoun to be at Libertie to goe about his affairs as any others of his Majesties free Leidges In respect He hath renued his former baile to Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present government of his Majestie King William And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contrive uith any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of his majesties privie Councell when called for under the penaltie of ane Hundreth pounds sterling And ordaines the Captains of former bond to be Given up
1. NRS, PC1/50, 477.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 477.