Att Edinburgh the Eightein day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act John Forbester and his wife
The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reconcileing the Differneces betuixt John Fowbister burges2 of the Canongate and Jean Durhome his Spouse off which report the tenor followes The Comittie haveing called befor them the Said John Fowbister who was brought from prisone wnder gwaird at comand of the Comittie The gwaird being removed John Fowbister was declaired to be a frie man and wnder no restraint And he imediatly therefter Did Signe a dispositione in favoures of his wife and childrein of the day and date heirof Containing severall conditiones therin and filled up the date wittnesses names and designationes with his own hand And lykewayes Signed ane inactment and consent for his banishment owt of his majesties Dominiones if at any tyme herefter he Shall beatt or abwse his wife as he hes Done formerly And the Comittie appointed the dispositione to be given up to Dwntarvie the wifes father And appointed the inactment to remaine in the hands of the clerks of Cownsell And at the Same tyme Signed and Delivered to the Said John Fowbister a warrand Direct to the magestrats of Edinburgh and keeper of ther tollbwith to Sett him at Libertie furth therof And the comittie considering that ther were two Leathrine baggs with money belonging to the said John Fowbister Consigned in the hands of Mr Patrick Creichtowne writer in the Clerks of Counsells office to remaine ther till furder order And that Since consigneing therof ther hes bein money taken owt and given to John Fowbister and his wife by order and at Sight of The Comittie And that therby ane of the baggs is exhausted and the money now remaineing is all in the other bagg which is Sealled by the Said John his deall at Sight of The Lord Advocat They gave order and warrand to the Said Mr Patrick Creichtowne to Delyver the foirsaid Sealled bagg with the money which is therin to the said John Fowbister upon his recept of all which the Comittie make report to the Counsell The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby approve of the said report and ordaines the persones named in the Comitties orders to act and doe according to the tenor of these orders which are heirby approven.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 131v-132v.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 131v-132v.
2. Insertion.