Att Edinburgh the threttie day of Jwny Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Anent the invalid money
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Doctor Adam Freir oversier of the invalids Shewing That wheras his majestie by his Letter to ther Lordships hes bein graceowsely pleased to promise that he will increass the invalids Stock for the incouradgement of those that Shall List themselvs in his Service And ther being considerable Soumes Dwe to the invalids chargeable upon the pole money and which Justly are preferable to the arreirs Dwe to the arme as the petitioner can demonstrat to ther Lordships being that the principall money is actwallie payed to the armie wherof this is the invalid money which is craved And therfore humblie craveing the Saids Lords to referr this mater to a Comittie of ther oun number to be inquyred into by them that if efter examinatione it be found by ther Lordships that these Sowmes are propperlie chargeable upon the polemoney next and imediatlie efter the Countrie is payed That it be recommended to the Lords Comissioners of his majesties thesaurie to grant precepts upon the tacksmen of the polemoney for payment of the Saids Soumes for the wse and behove of the invalids As the said petitione bears Which petitione being red in presence of the Saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell they remitted to a comittie of ther own number to consider the petitioner And to report ther opinion therin to the Cownsell And the Comittie haveing accordingly mett they made ther report to be Counsell As the Samen extant in process bears And the Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing this day considered this petitione with the Comitties report they heirby recomend to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie efter they have made payment of what is Dwe by the forces to the Countrie and befor they make payment of what is Dwe to any of these officers of the Armie who have receaved full pay for themselvs and regiments from the revolwtione to December Jaj vic eightie nyn of what arreirs may fall due to them out of the said pole money to Detain2 each officers proportione for himself and these for whom he Shall receave payment out of the Said polemoney of the Soume of four hundereth punds Sterleing of invalid money resting be his majesties forces for the full pay which they receave from Jwne Jaj vic eightie nyn to December Jaj vic and nyntie And Sicklyke to detaine from each officer for himself and these for whom he Shall receave payment the proportion of invalid money for so much of the pay as they Shall receave from the moneth of Janwarie Jaj vic and nyntie to the first of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie one And recomends to the saids Comissioners of parliament to cause make payment of the invalid money so to be detained by them to Doctor Adam Friar Intendant of the invalids
1. NRS, PC2/26, 220r-221r.
2. An illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 220r-221r.
2. An illegible word scored out here.